Chapter 88

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Turns out when Lily was in labor, Alice was in the bed next to her.

They had a nice chat before Lily had Harry and Alice had her little boy Neville.

Neville's a sweetie, and so is Harry.

He had Lily's bright green eyes and tufts of James's hair on his head.

Emily's hair has grown quite a lot over the month she's been here.

She's cried and laughed and been sick but that's what babies do. Sirius and i are always happy to get up in the middle of the night when she gets lonely or feed her.

She's great and i love her lots.

And now Harry is here so when they're a bit older they can spend time with each other.

I can't wait for it.

The year flies by and soon it's Emily's first birthday.

True, at times she's been troublesome and sometimes i do get angry but in the end i love her.

Her and Harry always make mischief together and Lily always puts it down to our pranking tactics.

Emily is more noisy and Harry but more smiley.

At the moment i'm blowing up some balloons when she crawls in.

I thought she was with Sirius?

Spotting me, she speed crawls over to me and stands on her feet unsteadily.

"Hey little monster. Where's your dad got to?"

"he's cleaning up after the cheeky little monster."

Sirius walks in with a bunch of stuff in his arms and his hair all over the place.

"You alright?"


"Ma ma ma."

"yes yes yes Emily."

That's what she says a lot of the time.Ma ma ma.

She turns and crawls towards Sirius as i continue to blow up balloons.

She likes balloons, she likes to pop them.

I have no idea why.

She's got Sirius's strangeness.

"I'm not strange."


"You're talking out loud again."


I do that a lot.

Lily and James will be here soon with Remus and Peter and Harry so i carry on with some things. It's not anything big, balloons and a cake because she won't remember it anyway.

When everyone arrives we all sit in the Living room talking whilst Harry and Emily play with the balloons.

"How have you been Peter, i haven't seen you in a while."

"Good thank you, i got a job so I've been caught up."

"Oh? What are you doing?"

"Just in a bookshop but i have to write down every title."

"Is it a big shop?"

"Yeah i'm only half done."

"Well keep at it and i'm sure you'll have it done in no time."

"I will!"

"What about you Remus?"

"Oh i haven't been up to much."

"Well time for cake."

I light the candles and we all sing happy birthday to her as she laps up the attention.

Just like Sirius.

She has her slice of cake and then sits with Harry in front of the TV, watching Spongebob.

And maybe i was watching it too, i love it.

Next month is Harry's birthday and it's going to be very fun.

Me and Sirius have got him one of those toy brooms as no doubt James will want to teach him as soon as he can walk right.

I'll teach Emily when she's older, because she'll rock it with our skills.

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