Chapter 79

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"Summer? Miss Summer, you has to go pick up your friends!"


I squint my eyes at Kelly, who's shaking me awake.

"You're late miss! I has been trying to wake you to tell you. Your friends will be waiting mistress."

"Oh crap!"

I jump out of bed, not bothering with clothes and running down stairs to my car.

Shoving the keys into ignition, i back out of the garage and go full speed towards James's house which is closest.

It doesn't take long until i arrive, and i don't bother to turn it of as i'm only popping in and out to get them.

I tap on the door and shit from one foot to the other as i wait for one of them to answer it.

The door opens and behind it stands a very befuddled Mr Potter.

"Summer, what a lovely surprise.The boys are upstairs, not sure if they're awake or not."


I climb the stairs and throw open his door.

They're hanging off their beds like slobs.

I close the door to dull the sound a bit and play an air horn app right next to their ears.

They scream like girls and I've already started to pack some of their stuff.

"Rise and shine mofos, up and at em!!"

"Summer! I have never hated you as much as i do now."

"Come on you weakling, my car is waiting outside no more than five minutes."

I walk out with their shit and put it on the boot as i wait.

They take seven minutes and i beep the horn to hurry them up.

"Why the hurry?"

"We are on a schedule i am stressed."

"Go on then."

I slam my foot down on the acceleration and fly off, making sure to hit the invisible button.

Next up, Peters house.

Thankfully he's ready so i don't need to repeat the air horn.

Remus is also ready and finally it's only Lily left.

I get out the car and walk down her pathway to her nice green door.

Knocking a tune, i wait for her as i look at the plants in the garden.

I was not expecting her sister to open the door.

I have only had the misfortune of meeting her once, and i'm perfectly fine with that. She's a mean ass bitch.



"Where's Lily?"

"She's still upstairs."

"May i come in?"



I push past that bitch anyway and go to Lily's room.

i knock before entering.

"I told you Mum, i'll remember my tooth brush i'm not a child."

"It's not your mom."

"Oh hey Summer."

"You ready?"

"Yeah, gotta get my tooth brush."

The new marauderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora