Chapter 6

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Ah Friday at last, then it's Hogsmeade weekend. I technically can't go because my parents can't sign the form but Albus sorted it for me. Lily said its a nice place so I look forward to going, and I know I also have to tell Lily more than I have. Shes proven to me that she's nice and trustworthy and I genuinely like her so I'm going for it.

I sit down next to Remus, as Sluggy starts to speak.

"You look like you have something on your mind?" He says

I nod "Yeah I'm - I think I'm ready to tell Lils about my, you know, ability. Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Yes I've known Lily for ages, she's trustworthy."

I nod again, because I know this. Deep breaths Summer.

Right, potions.

After saving Sirius's potion from blowing up in his face, Remus and I worked together to create the potion needed - ageing potion. After adding more water we let it boil for 10 minutes. Time to chill.

Well that was a disaster.

I told him, I told him not to do it. but what did he do? He done it. Idiot. His fault his eyebrows aren't there, and I'm not giving him a potion to grow them back. James, Remus and Peter are still laughing. Sirius is starting to find his brow less head funny now. Ugh just face palm!

I sit down next to Alice and Frank, two more lovely people - maybe it's a British thing, loveliness - and daydream a bit.

When lunch finally arrives, I sit next to Lily and focus on breathing easy.

"Hey Lily, I have to tell you something."

I start nervously, she looks up interested.

"What is it?"


"Hey Evans go out with me?"

I glare at him along with Lily.

"Potter for the last time no!!"

"C,mon just one, this weekend."

"She said no James, leave it."

And I got up and walked away.

He ruined it.

James POV

Holy merlin.

How was I supposed to know she was telling Evans? I'll have to apologise later, but I'll let her cool off while I take a walk.

What in the name of merlins beard? Is that Summer? On the roof? I gotta tell Evans!!

Lily POV

Ugh, where is she? It's almost curfew, I haven't seen her since lunch and it was obvious she wanted to say something important. God damn Potter.

Think of the devil and he shall appear. Oh no he's coming this way.

"Go away." I say before he has the chance.

"No wait, it's Summer."


"She's on the roof."


"No no she's fine!!"


I walk away then, obviously not knowing how to go to the roof and talk to her.

How did she even get there?

Summer POV

It's 2 in the morning when I decide I've been sulking for long enough, and I apperate back into my dorm. I try to be quiet but it seems Lily has stayed up for  me.

We share a look before she taps the space by the bed by her.

I sit down and am engulfed in a hug.

"I heard you were on the roof, are you okay?" I nod as I hug back.

"I'm fine I go up there a lot to see the sun set."

She pulls back

"What did you want to tell me?"

Okay one to tell her, I take a deep breath and say


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