Chapter 17

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I'm wearing what I wore yesterday except with proper shoes which are my brown boots. I have my trunk all packed, my breakfast had been devoured. Now I have to tackle Sirius. he's still in bed, its a good thing he's packed otherwise we'd have no time.
Opening his door I see him spread out on the double bed. Topless. Well I could look at that all day I must say but we have to go.

"Sirius!!" I sit on the edge of the bed and shove him a bit. He grumbles and turn his back to me.

"Sirius, come on!!" Shoving him some more I start getting impatient. Looking around I spot my weapon.
I grab the scissors and open and shut them near his ear.

"I'll just give you hair a cut before school shall I?" I say it menacingly in his ear.

He turns and tries to grab for the scissors.

"No- Sirius stop-"

I struggle as he is remarkably stronger than I am. He grabs them and stretches his arm away from me. I clime onto him and try to reach for them.

"Give them to me!!!"



"Summer!!" We're laughing but I'm determined to get the scissors. So I elbow him in the stomach, not hard, but enough for him to bring his arm into his belly. Grabbing the scissors I jump up and yell in triumph.

"HA! I got the scissors, I win, i'm stronger than you!!"

"You cheated!!"

"Hahaha too bad! Now get up or we'll be late." He mumbles but gets up anyway. I close the door and go down the stairs to grab some coffee that I can have for on the train.

We have about 10 minutes before the train leaves so I call out to Sirius.

"Come on Sirius!"

He makes his way down the stairs Noisily, and I hand him his trunk which I've shrunk.

Grabbing his hand, we apperate to the platform. It's packed with parents and small children. We shove our way to the train and get on board.

Walking along to our compartment, the others are already there.

I shove my trunk on the shelve above and sit in my spot by the window.

"Hi guys!"

They all mutter replies.

"Why the long faces??"

"It's so early!!"

I roll my eyes, such a James thing to say.

"So just think of all the opportunities you'll have to see Lily, her lovely red hair and emerald eyes!!"

His eyes mist over and he can only be thinking of her.

"Look James, Lily's here to see you!!"

He looks around in excitement and we all laugh at his eagerness.

"Stop playing with me!!"

"You're just too easy to mess with mate."

After a long, long train journey, we finally arrive back at hogwarts.

"Three words, friends, three words. I am starved."

Grabbing ourselves a carriage we fall into comfortable silence with each other.

I don't listen to the things Dumbledore says beiges the feast, they're not normally important. I'm daydreaming when j feel a sharp elbow in my rib cage.

"Hey!!" I whisper shout to Lily.

"Listen this is important!!"

Yeah right!! I listen anyway.

"- know that a dark wizard is on the uprise. He is collecting followers known to the world as 'death eaters'.
It is your life but I do hope that none of you will take this dark path in life. that is all, tuck in!!"

Everybody knows about Voldermort though don't they? This big bad-bad guy. he doesn't scare me, but the things he does to people is horrendous.


I grab salad and chicken and the whole jug of pumpkin juice.

Hnnnnng food.

After the feast I'm shattered. I shuffle along to the common room along with the other gryffindors.

I slept well that night.

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