Chapter 51

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It's snowing.

Ugh, i hate this weather.

I'm walking in hogsmeade. my armed linked with Charlie, looking for hair dye potions.

A simple one of blue and purple and i can just alter it a bit to change the tone of it. And the time duration of it.

"Maybe we could get one from Zonkos and you could just change it up a bit."

"That's what i'm thinking we'll have to do."

We make our way through all the people to the well known joke shop.

"It's good to be back in Hogsmeade again."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, last year i got into a bit of a scuffle with a bitch and ended up with being banned until fifth year."

"Ha serves you right."

"Are you defending her!"

"No, she probably deserved, all i'm saying is to have control and count to ten."

"Ah fuck that i don't have the patience for ten seconds."

"Then learn."

I shake my head and push open the door.

It's not as packed as i thought it would be and actually it's only Charlie, some other people, the shop owner and me.

That's helpful.

I walk over to the hair potions, dragging him behind me.

"So you want a blue and purple, then i can alter the tone of it and the duration time, then we can put it in."

"Right, what shade of color do i want.."

This is the part that takes him ages. He'll like one shade of a color, get ready to pay for it then change his mind. He's so fussy to buy for.

He wonders off to the greens and i go for a look around, fiddling with my ring as i look. .

Something catches my eye that could be appropriate for the fifth of November.

Wet start fireworks.



I grab one off the shelf and read the back of it.

Bla bla...small touch of water to start...bla bla bla..danger....bla bla bla don't use inside...

This is just begging to be used on the Slytherins!!

Grabbing a few more off the shelf, i waddle back over to Charlie who looks like he's close to finishing.

"I like this shade of blue as it is, but this purple could do with lightening a bit."

"Sure thing, you ready to go."

"Yep, what have you got there?"

"Wet start fireworks, for the Slytherins."

"I like your thinking."

Charlie pays for even though i insist i have it.

Damn boys, always so stubborn.

We plod back up to the castle where i hide the fireworks in my bag.

"Let me see the hair stuff."

He hands me them both as he says the password to the fat lady.

"Oh, Violet was going to pop to see you tomorrow."

"Oh thank you dear."

I like the Fat Lady, she's alright.

Remus is in the hospital ward, the full moon being last night.

The other three are out pranking and what not, Lily is probably in the library studying.


I'm joking i love that carrot.

"You can come up to my dorm, we'll do it there."

I hover him up the stairs, ignoring the complaints from the older students.

Fuck them, i have a boyfriend and Lolly pop is as straight as a circle.  

Shoving my shoes in the corner, i drop my bag onto my bed, take off my coat and go into the bathroom.

Charlie follows.

"Right it says to put it in wet hair so turn the shower on i'm going to change into older clothes."

I change into my MCR t-shirt and a pair of old shorts and walk back into the bathroom where Charlie washing his hair.

Putting those silly gloves on i get the blue first and put that on.

He waits thirty minutes, washes it out.

I repeat with a lightened purple and wait for it to set in for half an hour while i clear up.

Hopefully this looks good. 

But if not it's easy enough to take out.

He sits by my window and stares out at the grounds.

"It's quite high up isn't it."

  "You're telling me."

"Honestly i would never want to fall out that window."

He doesn't answer so i go back to cleaning my neck which somehow i got blue on.

Thirty minutes pass by and soon it's time to wash out the purple.

Time for the reveal.

I don't bother turning on the shower and just get the water from within. Which, yes,  is possible.

Then i dry it off with the warmth of my hands and by gosh does it look cool.

"I look good."

"Yes you do, you look like cotton candy!"

He laughs and hugs me tightly.

"Thanks so much!!"

"It's okay!"

He goes off to show Frank who he's become good friends with lately.

I walk down to see Remus.

Hmm there's a new door.

Remus is of course reading, but looks up to see me enter.

"Did they get a new door?"

"Ugh yeah i think so."

"Cool, how are you feeling?"

"Better.How does Charlies hair look?"

Pulling out my hair i show him the picture i took of him straight after i'd finished drying it.  

"That looks good, well done."

"Haha i said he looked like cotton candy."

"He does a bit."

I sit at the end of his bed and we chat a bit longer before i go off to Dinner, not being able to ignore my tummy growling for much longer.

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