Chapter 34

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You'd think that the day after you kissed some one would be a bit awkward and you'd avoid all eye contact but Sirius and I were as chummy as ever. I don't know why but I'm thankful because then I'd have to tell the others which isn't something I feel they want to know.

After last night I just kinda shuffled off to my dorm and he shuffled off to his.

It's weird but I like it.
I'm sat in history of magic doing nothing as usual when Lily says to me.

"My parents sent me a letter last night."

"Cool, what did it say?"

"We're going on holiday around Europe  in the summer, for my mums birthday, my sisters and my parents anniversary."

"That'll be fun!"

"I know I just hope Petunia doesn't bother me."

"If she gives you any problems you phone me and I'll sort her out for you." She shakes her and carries on working.

"I mean it Lily, you can't keep letting her call you names like she does."

"I know."

"There she's just jealous because she's ordinary and you're special."

She stops working completely and turns to me with a big grin.

"You know Severus told me that exact same thing."


"Yeah when we were say by the willow by my house. it was Severus that told me I was a witch."

"You and Severus are very close."

She shakes her head sighing.

"We're not as close anymore, he believes you could be dangerous and he's hanging out with all the wrong people."

"I'm not dangerous."

"I think it's just because you targeted Bellatrix who's a friend of his."


With that she carries on working and I carry on swinging on my chair and gazing out the window.
Until I hear someone calling me.
Turning my head I don't know who it is at first but then I see Sirius sat behind me.
It's funny because any other person would be embarrassed and their face would redden like a tomato, but I don't get embarrassed at all.
It's a good thing about me.



"About last night."

oh here it comes

"What about it?"

"I well, I've kinda liked you since you came here."

Whoop yes!!!!!


"Okay I have liked you since start of fourth year."

"I'd have never have guessed."

"Well I didn't show it because I was embarrassed."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about paddy."

"Well I guess since last night you liked me."

"Good guess."

"So uh what I'm trying to say is, would you like to go out with me?"


"That's fine I kne- wait what?"

"Okay I'll go out with you."



he laughs cheerfully and goes back to his table.
I resume my chair swinging.
Summer Brown and Sirius Black.
Who'd have thought?

"You're going out with Sirius Black?"


"It's about time."

"What do you mean?"

"It was obvious to everyone that he liked you, and you liked him. obvious to everyone except you two."



The bell rings and I walk out next to Sirius. I've never been good at the whole dating thing, I've never kept someone longer than a week. maybe i was a bit of a player but that's fine.
I'll learn things as I go.

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