Chapter 81

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Lily's POV

The new common room and dorms for us are really nice, but i often miss the three am conversations Summer and i used to Share. She must be so lonely, since it was just us in the dorm. I do go back there some nights, can't stand being away from my best friend.

There are more awkward moments between James and i now, the tension between us is killing me and i know soon i won't hold back from grabbing that cutie by the butt and kissing him.

Sure, i hated his guts for a long time but he's changed.

And he's got hotter so why deny?

I walk into our common room to see him looking at the book shelf.

"What book are you looking for?"

I walk over to him to help him look when i trip on a conveniently placed shoe and take him down to the floor with me.

There's a hairs width between us and he's looking at me intently.

He leans in slowly and i have an inner war with myself.

Really, this guy gets on your nerves all the time!

But he's changed!

Maybe so but he's still a fool.

No one's perfect.

Before i can continue my inner debate however, his lips touch mine and all restraint is lost.

Summer is going to be happy to have that five galleons.

We go to one of the bedrooms ONLY so that if one of our friends walked in they wouldn't see us unless they came upstairs.

I swear at some point i hear something in the hall but i'm too distracted by him to care too much.

James POV


Lily POV

We pull apart and just sit in comfortable silence for a while.

James shuffles his hair, messing it up even more and traces his lips with his thumb.

Which was kinda hot.

Stop saying hot Lily!

He looks like he wants to say something but can't figure out if he should or not.

"You look like you want to say something?"

"Um, i'm just going to say it now."

"Go on then."

"Do you maybe want to, you know, be....together?"




"Yes! I mean cool yeah nice."

I smile at his adorable awkwardness and child likeness and we got down to dinner together, hands interlocked under the table out of view.

Summer walks in and sits opposite us with a big smirk and i can only imagine what she's planning.

"Hey, you two! How are you, breathing okay?"

"Uh yeah?"

"That's good you know, when you kiss someone you always gotta make sure you breath."

My eyes widen as does her smirk and James goes a faint red color.

"It was you!"

"What was me?"

"You were outside my room, i heard you trip but i was busy-"

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