Chapter 76

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It's already March and my voice is still not back. I'm going to be talking for ages to make up for this silence. All the people asking me question and then saying 'oh i forgot!'.

I will make you pay.

It was a normal day, me being silent and Lily talking a hundred words per second. I'm trying not to glare at her but it's hard. In the end i motion to her that i'm going to the library for books. That's what i have to do, sign language.

Instead of going to the library, i go back to my dorm to grab my earphones. Whilst bending down to get them, i hit my head and out of impulse i yell out.

Except this time, instead of rasps i actually hear my voice, good as new.


Yes! Oh i am soo happy. Who knew hearing our own voice could bring such a smile to your face?

Grabbing my headphones, i go to the boys dorm ready to shout at them for every time they asked a question.

They all look up when i enter, and i sit down like normal.

"Where you been? Oh sorry."

They all snicker and i smile sweetly at Charlie.

"Don't worry about it. Just remember when your teeth fall out from all the shit you talk and you can't speak, i'll make you suffer like me."


"Did i stutter?"

"I should probably be happy but i'm scared."

"Too right you're scared."

"Oh fuck me, i knew i shouldn't have teased you."

"No thanks, get Xeno to do it."

He blushes and the others laugh at his embarrassment.

"Pick on them too, it wasn't just me!"

"Oh i will, don't you worry about that."

"Also, can you dye my hair, I've got the dye already."

"What color you going this time?"

"Black with rainbow streaks."

"Cool, you want to do it now?"


"Take off your shirt and meet me in your bathroom, i'm going to change."

I come back and Sirius complains about being the only one i haven't seen without a shirt on.

"She hasn't seen Peter."

"Yeah but that's still two out of five."

"Stop complaining."

I cut him off before he carries on.

"If you really want me to see you without a shirt on just take it off and shut up, i have to concentrate."

"If i take my shirt off you wont be able to concentrate."

"Try me."

He doesn't take his shirt off, but he does stop complaining.

I push Charlie down onto the stool and turn the shower on.

"Where's the dye?"

"In the cupboard under the sink."

I push aside all the hair stuff and other odd things until i spot the five tubs of dye. Black, Red, Blue, Pink and Orange.

What impulsed him to do this i don't know.

I control the water with my hands to his head and start to force the old dye out.

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