Chapter 38

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I told her.
Piece of cake.
And it was.
The exams finished yesterday so now we have one week left till summer!
This year has been hectic, but amazing. I've made some great friends, had hilarious things happen to me, made some enemies and learned even more about the muggle world.
All great.
Who knows what next year will be like.
Next year is the OWLs and then seventh year is NEWTs, that is if I'm not expelled by then.
Just think, in three years time I'll have left school to live in the real world.
Though to be honest I already live in the real world, with no parents and having to pay for things.
Oh well, I'll be prepared and experienced.
And who knows what will have changed by then, I might have short hair, I might be dead, I might not even be at this school. I hope I can control my anger enough to stay here and be happy.
And maybe, just maybe, I'll still be with  Sirius.
Who knows?

"This song it makes me high!"

I don't even care that I can't sing, I like this song! I got my big ass headphones on and I'm sitting on my bed jamming it out.
I don't understand the concept of a song making someone high? Muggle stuff in sure.
But anyway.
Lily is here but I'm sure she doesn't mind.

"I can't stop, stop playing. this song it makes me high!"

It ends and I hear Lily laughing.
She quickly hides her phone.

"What were you doing?"


"Yeah right!"

"It was nothing!"

"So you did something!"


"Yes! Show me!"

I reach out for it and quickly grab it. punching the passcode in, I tap play on the video of me.
It's me on my bed singing and I'm painting my nails.
it's tugged out my hands before I can delete it.

"Delete it!!"


"Why not?"

"Because it's funny and you're good at singing!"

I snort.

"Good at singing, good one Lils."

"You are!!"

"Yeah sure and your hairs black!"

"Fine don't believe me, but everyone thinks so."

"No ones heard me sing how coul- you didn't!"

"It was a voice recording!"

"When was it?"

"Ages ago!"

I narrow my eyes and go back to my singing and nail painting, always keeping a close eye on that sneaky little minx.

"It's been a long day, without you my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
We've come a long way, from where we began. but I'll tell you al about when I see you again."

And that's how my night goes, me singing, Lily singing with me and just calmness.

I did not sleep well.
I was hit with an unexpected nightmare that kept me tossing and turning all night.
I need coffee.
And cake.
Without changing, I walk down to the kitchens not being bothered for human interaction. it's currently 10 past 9 and I can't be dealing with anything or anyone right now, as I'll probably set anyone on fire without hesitation.
Almost piercing the pear as I jab my fingers at it, I stalk into the kitchen looking for Kelly.
She's with the boys who are also here.


"Mistress, what are you wanting?"

"Cake and coffee please."

"Right away."

She walks of and I stand there waiting, with my arms crossed and a pouty scowl on my face.
If mornings had a face I would repeatedly punch the hell out of it.
I hate mornings if you can't tell.

"Summer, come sit down!"


"Why not?"

"Don't want to."

"Is some one tired?"

"Shut up."


I glare at him.
Ignorant ass.

Kelly hands me my coffee and cake and I stomp out of there, stuffing my face as I go.
Because I'm a boss and I can do that.
Climbing the stairs I'm hit with another wave of anger.
Why the hell are there so many stairs?
I mean yeah big school lots of floors but  one hundred and forty fucking two might be a many don't you think?
Ugh hogwarts founders lived to kill me.
Stupid trick steps and stairs that go different places on a Friday. Just go where you're meant to go and be done with it!
Barking out the password I proceed to stomp back up to my nest of blankets and cushions, bury myself switching and watch adventure time on Netflix.
Today is not a social day.

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