Chapter 26

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"Here's your Valentine's card, not that you deserve one."

"Aw thanks here's yours, because it's the only one you'll get!"

Aren't we nice to each other?

Mine reads
To the weirdo wacko witch
Your voice is lovely, when it's not screeching down my ear in the ungodly hours of the morning you ass.

"Haha that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!!" We fake cry and hug it out.

Then we laugh and I push her over to get to the shower.

Such friendship.

It's Valentine's day, the day that girls doll theirselves for boys.

HA not me, nu uh.

I shower, brush my hair and teeth, spray a bit of Perfume on me then go out so Lily can shower while I get dressed.

My skinny jeans, my school shirt and tie, and my brothers Jersey that says Brown on the back.

I'm lookin fine.

After Lily is done showering we head down to breakfast.

Mm I fancy some Krave today.

Walking into the great hall and sitting down, I see that there are a bunch of owls in my place.

"Looks like these owls want to be our friend."

"Owl be your friend owls, get it Lily? Owl? Hahah"

"Shut up you nerd."

I take the all the letters from their beaks and find sort them all out.

Some for Lily, some for me.

And I have a hunch about what these will be.

"Ugh I know what these are."

"Valentine's cards."


Opening the first one, it's a cheesy poem about how we should hook up.

To Summer
A classic roses are red poem
From unknown

I carry on like this, most being from ? But then come across a different one.
It's not a poem, it's cheesy but not to an extent.
It reads in lovely cursive writing;

I could swim in those beautiful deep blue eyes of yours
From ?

Aww that's actually quite sweet. I keep that one and then bin all the others.

"I wish he would give up all ready."

"What now?"

"Potter, I've had one of these every year since first."

"What's it say?" She reads it in the most bored tone ever it's hard not to laugh.

"You're kinda cute and I kinda like you a little, okay maybe a lot."

"Aw but that's sweet!"

"Is it, what have you got there?"

"It's my favourite and it's sweet so I'm keeping it.

"at least we didn't get any flowers, what are your favourite flowers?"

"Forget me nots."

"I like tulips."

"I like flowers and plants."
"Come one, lets get to herbology, where plant talk is acceptable."

We're walking along to the greenhouses when we meet up with Alice who got a Valentine's rose from her boyfriends Frank Longbottom. He's quite nice.

Him and Alice are just OTP.

Fralice for life.

Herbology is okay apart from when you get covered in soil all the time. Or some weird chemical from a plant.
Thankfully today we're just listening to babble.

The full moon is approaching and Remus is already starting to fell ill bless him.
I think tonight we'll play chess, because he likes chess and never gets to play it.

I lean slightly on him to whisper

"Shall we play chess tonight with a cup of tea and the biscuits you like?"

"Sure why not, I'd like that."


Leaning up straight I continue to not listen to the babble and daydream.

"You and Remus are rather close."

"Obviously he's sat right next to me."

"No you idiot I mean friendship wise."

"Well yeah, we're good buds, he's my babe."

"Oh your babe?"

"Not like that, like me and you are baes and me and Remus are baes. Lily he can hear us talking and he's getting embarrassed so shut up."

"Right sorry Remmer!" I slap her to shut her up.

Me and Remus are just buddy's.

He knows I like Sirius.

And I recon he's too into his relationship with chocolate to be with anyone at the moment.

It's later on and me and Remus are setting up our chess night on his bed. We have chocolate, tea and our favourite biscuits. I've got pillows propping me up and a fleecy blanket wrapped round me shoulders. Jim jams are enabled and let's begin.

The other three just do their thing.

"So what cards did you get today?" He says as he makes his move.

"Uh I got some classic rose, violet ones. some that just said wanna hook up. And a really sweet one that I kept."

"What did it say?"

"Stuff about my eyes, I liked it."

"Aw are you going soft!!"

"No! I could still knock you out!"

"Haha okay. Checkmate!"

"Oh dammit!!"

"Another game?"

"Bring it on!"

We finally stop at 2am, Peter and James are asleep but Remus, Sirius and I are awake.

"I won!"

"No you didn't!"

"Yes I did because we said whoever won that one game would play Sirius and I played Sirius and won!"

"Ugh I don't know I'm tired!!"

"You have to go to bed."



"Carry me over to my bed?"

"It's like three steps away from you!!"


Puppy dog eyes always work.


He carries me to my bed and I snuggle under the duvet.

"Thanks paddy, you're the best."

I fall asleep before I hear what he replies.

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