Chapter 61

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A few weeks have passed.

I sent James, Remus, Peter and Charlie their birthday gifts and apologized for not being there.

James didn't mean what he said, he said he was sorry and begged me to come back because they all missed me. I think it's best if i stay away.

Just for a while longer.

It's May now, Dilly is doing great. He listens to me, and always behaves well.

I love him, my dragon companion.

I'm sat in my kitchen, doing some work. I still have to do school work, even if i'm not there.

I'm still there, kind of.

I have my patronus spy on them so i know what's happening.

Not in a creepy way, in a good friend way.

Charlie and Xeno are dating.

James is being more mature.

Remus, Lily and Peter are studying.

And Sirius, he's not doing so well.

His temper is short, he gets frustrated and he has trouble sleeping.

Maybe i'll go see him in private.

I dress in my dungarees and a stripy long sleeved top, shove on my black high tops and apperate into the astronomy tower.

It's weird being here after so long. the atmosphere is different.

Looking into his mind, i see from his point of view the library.

That's a first, he must be studying.

Creeping like a ninja towards the library, i stay in the shadows and turn invisible when ever someone passes.

The library is empty apart from Sirius.

Is it down opposite him and wait for him to look up.

"Look i have a girlfriend, just leave me alone."

He glances up and then does a double take.


"Yes, it's me, your girlfriend!"

"You're actually here!"

"Just to see you, i missed you."

"I missed you too, how have you been?"

"Okay i suppose, bit lonely but Dilly get me company."

"Who's Dilly?"

I look around and lean close to whisper to him.

"Dilly is a dragon."


"I got a dragon."

"That's illegal."

"I don't care."

"I knew i liked you for a reason."

"You're not mad?"

"Not at all, i'm just so glad to see you."

"How have you been, Mr i-don't-sleep-and-get-angry."

"How'd you know?"

"I've told you how many times, i know everything."

"Well, miss i-know-everything, i'm fine."

"Are you, really?"


"Well okay then."

"Do you want to see the others?"

"No, i just had to see you and make sure you're okay."

"Well, when will you be coming back?"

"Soon, i'll be here for the exams."

"I don't know if i can wait that long, you owe me lots of cuddles and us time."

"I know, and we'll catch up with that stuff in the summer."

"Okay, can i have a ride in your car?"

"If you keep it clean."

"I will."

"Good, my baby stays clean."

"Am i being replaced by a car?"


"Charlie and Lovegood are together now."

"I know."

"Of course you do, how do you know everything?"

"Maybe one day i'll tell you but not today."

"Are you eating okay since Kelly isn't there?"

"I'm fine don't worry about me."

"But you're all alone."

"I'm used to it."

"Well you shouldn't be."

"Too late for that."

We chat for a while longer, about anything and everything.

It's about midnight when i realize the time.

"You should be going to bed, you have classes tomorrow."

"I guess i should."

"I'll walk you back, no one will be around at this time."

We walk through the dark corridors, past the sleeping paintings.



"How's Moony been, you know when he?"

"He's been okay, had a bad scratch a few weeks ago but he was fine. He misses you a lot. More than the others i think. We all miss you."

"I know, and i feel so bad to leave you all, but i have to sort some things out with myself. So i can come back, not feeling sad or depressed. I don't want to be that person anymore."

"Well, as long as you don't change too much, i'm glad you're learning to be happy."

We reach the door to the common room.

"Don't say anything to the others, they'll want to know why i didn't come see them."

"Of course."

He opens the door, and steps inside.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The door closes and everything is quiet.

Sighing to myself, i apperate back home.

I flop down on my bed and listen to the noises outside.

The trees swaying, sounds from the motorway not far away and it's just peaceful.

For once.

That night, i stay awake just to listen to the world. I think about what other peoples lives must be like, people with far worse problems. I sit in my window at look at the motorway. I love looking at lamp post lights from a distance. And if i look far enough, i see the shimmers of the moon glaring on the ocean.

Looking up, the clear night meets my eyes. Stars shine against the dark sky, dotted around randomly. The moon, only a crescent.

The wind blows through the open window, gently shifting my bed covers. In the distance i hear a siren, loudly disturbing the peaceful night. The sirens wails soon die down as the vehicle drives away and i'm left to wonder, where is it going? Why?

I fall asleep to these questions, leaning against my window frame with a blanket draped around me and feeling at peace with the world.

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