Chapter 37

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Mirror man blasted out my earphones.
I love this song.
I'm sat by the lake with Lily, who is currently trying to tell me to revise for the end of year tests. Bitch please, I'm going I pass these tests fine for I have a photographic memory. One glance over something and it's there forever.
I lean back mouth the words.
Peters birthday was about two weeks ago, he was happy about what he got and we chilled. My last detention was yesterday so now I'm a free las.
Still can't go to hogsmeade though.
My earphones are suddenly ripped out my ears.


"Will you listen to me!"


"But you have to revise!"

"Lily darling, I have a photographic memory. I'll be fine."

She huffs in defeat and I put my earphones back in.

A few more weeks and I'll be at home, relaxing, doing nothing and having no one whine at me for it.
The good life.
Canada the first week then pure nothingness.
I can't wait.
I'll probably have lily round at some point, and the boys do course. Hopefully they'll like my house, Sirius does. If they don't like it they can sleep outside with the stars.

"I want some ice cream."

"Go get some then."

"Come with me?"



Sirius and I make our way down to the kitchens to get my well deserved ice cream, I've been looking at paper all day with Lily. so tiring.
Our linked hands swing back and forth as we walk along, happy and content.
Sirius and I sill the same, just now there's hand holding, cuddling and kisses. But apart from that we still act like fools whenever we're together.
Fools are fun.
I recently also became very good friends with a poltergeist ghost called peeves who is hilarious and aids me in my prank pulling.
He's a babe.
Sirius tickles the pear and the door flies open.
Kelly immediately says.

"What flavour?"

"Cookie dough!"

She wonders off and I sit down.

"How does she know you so well?"

"She's been with me every minute of my life, she knows me emotions very well."



"Well why didn't she help you escape your cell?"

"She was threatened with clothes if she did anything and she didn't want to part with me more than she already was."

Before he can reply my ice cream is placed Infront if me.
I grab my spoon and dig in.

"Did you want something?"

"No thank you Kelly."


She goes back to whatever.
"Are you sure you don't want some?"


He seems deflated.

"What's wrong paddy?"

"I just- I'm not looking forward to going home."

"I understand what you mean, remember you're always welcome at mine."

"I knew but my family always has reunions and I can't get out of them."

I grab his hand and give it a comforting squeeze.
I'm not good with all these feelings.

"You'll be fine, you can always write to me."

"But you're going to Canada."

"So what?"

"You'll be busy having fun to reply to me!"

"I'll always reply to you!"

"No you won't."

I push the ice cream aside and shuffle round to him and cuddle him. He immediately does the same.

"No matter what I'll reply to you as soon as I get your letter. I'll stop everything I'm doing to reply okay?"


I grab my ice cream and proceed to feed him spoonfuls in the hopes he'll feel better.
Ice cream always helps.

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