Chapter 23

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I woke up bright and early specially to prepare. Lily and I for some reason don't have any room mates. weird.
I made the room bigger, hung balloons from anything I could, pastel themed colours. pastel coloured paper things hung from the roof, I had summoned a table and put it in the middle. Her cake right in the middle, with bowls of berries and fruits around it. On the one side of the table were all her presents of me and the boys ( they insisted ) and other people. It was all perfect. Lily was still asleep and I'm going to sing her happy birthday to wake her up.

Because that's what friends do.

I start out quiet, but loud enough to wake someone.

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Liiiily,
Happy birthday to you!"

She sits up and looks around tired  and confused for a minute. 

Then a wide smile appears.

"Wow, you did all this for me?"

"Of course!"

"Now I feel bad, I didn't make such an effort for your birthday!!"

"Who cares? This is your birthday!!"

"Is that cake?"

I nod and she jumps up immediately.

"Me and Kelly made it, its rainbow like you wanted."

"Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much!!!"

I'm buried in a big hug.

"It's okay! It was no trouble!"

"Mm these berries look juicy, can I eat them?"

"No need to ask, its your birthday!"

She opens her cards first, while eating berries. There's one from me and one from all of the boys, one from Alice and frank and one from her parents. She didn't get one from her sister but I told her to forget it.

Finishing the strawberries, she picks up her first present which is the book from Remus.

"Ooh interesting!"

Some sugar quills from Peter.

"My favs!!"

James got her nail polish.

"My favourite colour, I'm guessing you helped him pick?"

Sirius got her some designer sunglasses.

"Ooh these are nice! Remind me to thank them all later!"

And then she reaches for my presents.

she loves the clothes and instantly puts on the cardigan I got her.

Now for the type thing.

I hope she likes it.

"Ow this is heavy!! What is it?"

She gasps.

Hopefully that was a good gasp.

"I've always wanted one of these!! Oh my goodness, thank you so much Summer!!"

She hugs me once again.

"Thanks so much Summer, this is the best birthday I've ever had!!"

"I doubt that but anything for you!"

"It's true!" She pulls back and says the words that make me laugh.

"Now let's eat that cake!!"

Lily puts up with James long enough to thank him, and the others, before we head off to the lake where we're meeting Severus.

I have forbidden the boys to do anything to him today in fear of upsetting her. If they do they'll be oh so sorry.

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