Chapter 8

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After I glued his hands to the roof of his mouth, I knew I had something heading my way. but not this.

"No James, Stop!!!!!" I say while trying to get him to stop tickling me.

"This is revenge."

"S-stop n-n-now!!!"


"I will punch y-you in t-the face."

"Say you love me and I'm the best and I'll stop."

"I love me I'm the best."


"You weigh tones get off me already!!!"

Someone clears their throat to our left.

Sirius! My escape.

"Sirius, will you be a lamb and get this fat oath off me??"

"No don't listen to her!"

He looks between us before saying.

"James, get off."

James is so shocked that I push him off me. Jumping up and sorting out my hair I say threateningly

"This is far from over Potter."

Then I walk out the room like the bad ass I am.

I was sat with Lily and Severus thinking about how to get James back and how to win the Halloween challenge. Looking towards the forest I remember what day it is. jumping and saying a quick goodbye I run off to the common room to see where he is.

I see the other three heading down to dinner.

"Have you seen Remus?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"James get over it, where is he."

"He's in the hospital ward."

"Thanks Peter."

And I turn and run that way instead.

Remus was laying in the bed furthest away from the door, with the curtains pulled around him.

I sit down in the chair and he looks up form his book.

"Shouldn't you be at dinner?"

"Not hungry."  I don't think he believed that.

"You don't have to stay with me."

I looked around and lowered my voice.

"I can help you, tonight."

He looked confused.

"What do you mean you can't help me."

"It dangerous to be around a werewolf when you're a person, but animals aren't a danger really."

"You're exactly like the others."

My turn to be confused. "What."

"When James, Sirius and Peter found out in second year they wanted to help and suggested being animagus but they don't know where to start."

I smile.

"I told you about my cousin being werewolfs?"

He nods

"I became an animagus to help her."

"So you're already...?" I nod.

"But it's still dangerous you could get -" then the doors open and the other three walk in.

"Shhh." Remus says quickly.

They sit down and Remus caries on.

"As I was saying you could get hurt."

"I've done this loads before Rem, I know what I'm doing." He nods reluctantly and I hug him.

"It will help."

"I'm sorry I'm confused." James said.

"Aren't you always." I mutter as Remus explains. "Oh well you know you guys wanted to help with my transformations?"

"Yeah by becoming animagus..."Sirius trails off.

"Well Summer is already one so she said she'll help you."

"You're an animagus?" Peter said shyly.

I nod proudly.

"What animal is it?"

I stand up, make sure no ones around and change into my form.

They all look astounded.

My animal is a big dog- almost wolf like - with jet black fur and streaks of silver in it.

I switch back.





I smirk then stop, Pomfrey is coming.

"Madame Pomfrey is coming, I'm going to side along apperate us to your dorm okay? Remus I'll meet you in the shack five minutes after pomfrey is gone."

I grab each of their hands and apperate as she walks in.

We appear in the boys dorms and they all collapse.

"Sorry, not the best thing when not prepared for it."

peter runs into the bathroom and I hear him throwing up. oops.

Sirius and James recover quickly.

"How did you know she was coming, and where to meet Remus when he's told no one where it is?"

"Because I do, good night boys I'll see you in the morning when you all go down to see Remus."

And I walk out.

Like a boss.

I make sure everyone's asleep before lightly getting dressed again.

I apperate myself into the shrieking shack and see Remus sitting in the big bed looking so pained and alone.

I sit beside him and give him a hug because that's what he needs right now.

"It's going to be okay."

"No it's not, why me?"

"Because the world is a cruel place."

He's crying and I don't want him to cry.

I rub his back soothingly before backing away.

"It's starting."

And as I have done so many times before, I watched someone close to me become something they hate.

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