Chapter 33

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"What's that star called?"

"That's Draco."

"Why do you know so much about stars?"

"Because a lot of my family are named after them."

"Cool, I like that. I'm just named after a season."

"You name is beautiful."

"Thanks but it's not a star like yours is."

"It doesn't matter about what it means."


We're in astronomy talking with Sirius about stars. he knows so many names and constellations. I'm extremely tired, it's coming up to one o'clock and the only reason I'm awake is because Sirius is talking to me. I've found that my tired talk is like stuck talk. All sober thoughts spur out without my having control and I'm afraid I might say something I don't mean to.

"See that one?"

"The really bright one?"

"That's me."


"Yeah, and that over there is Orion."

"The Dog Star."

"Yeah it's kinda ironic how my patronus and animagus is."

"Oh yeah. your fate is written in the stars."

"That's so cheesy but it's so correct."

"Do you mind if I lean on you?"

"Not at all."

I rest my head on his shoulder and before I know it I'm asleep.

I start to wake up and I'm moving.
What the hell?
Where am I.
I open my eyes and I see the ground and some feet walking.
Who's feet?
I look up and I see Sirius.
It appears he's carrying me back to the common room.
Closing my eyes but not going to sleep, I snuggle closer to Sirius.
Because why give up the opportunity to cuddle him?
He puts my down in the bed and quietly goes into the bathroom. The other three don't have astronomy so it's just me and Sirius. not that I'm complaining.



"Thanks for carrying me, sorry if I'm heavy."

"It's no problem you weigh bit more than a feather."

"Maybe not that light but okay."

"Goodnight Summer."

"Night Sirius."

And I pull round my curtains to hide my smiling face.
I love that boy.
I really do.

Next morning I'm walking to potions by myself. Lily wasn't feeling well so she went to the hospital wing and the. It's weren't awake when I got up.
I'm in my own little world daydreaming about some nonsense when I'm knocked flying ands person falls on top of me.
It's like first day all over again.

"Hello there chum, do you mind maybe getting off me?"

"Oh right y-yeah sorry."

He jumps up and grabs my hand pulling me up too. dusting myself down we walk together instead.

"James pushed me into you but I tripped and fell for - on you instead."

"Why did he push you?"

"He said he was re creating first day when he pushed me into you."

I laugh at James stupid antics. what an idiot.

We walk over to where he is waiting and Sirius tackles him.
Why am i friends with these idiots?
Slug horn opens the door and tells us all to come in.
I sit next to Remus who's looking happy. Good.

"What's next lesson?" He ignores me.

"Remus?" Ignored.

Oh I see what he's doing.

"Remus stop ignoring me!" no change.

"I'll buy you chocolate."

"We have transfiguration next!"

thats what I thought.
This boy is weak for chocolate.
I'll get to talk to Xenophilius.

Potion passed by in a blur and I'm walking along to transfiguration. Liky text me earlier staying she's having the day off to get her homework for her.
Who asks for homework?
Crazy red head.
I sit down next to Xen and he tells me about some pixies in the library.
We multitask, taking notes and talking at the same time until something grabs the back of his head and yanks in his hair.

"Are you okay!"

"Yeah I'm fine, who did it?"

I look around and see Sirius laughing silently, balancing in the back legs if his chair.
Flicking the air under his seat, he falls backwards and the class laughs as he stands up to glare at me.

"Mr Black what's going on!"

"Summer tipped my chair!"

"She's the other side of the room."

"She used her wand!"

"Miss Brown did you?"

Yes because he used his wand to pull Xenophiliuss hair!"

"Summer you are already in detention surely you don't want to get into more trouble?"


"Right then, don't look at him don't think about him. and Mr Black leave Mr Lovegood alone."

Not think of him!
How could I not think of all the things I'm king to do to that prick.
I stay quiet as I take notes and when the bells goes I storm out leaving him behind.
He looks hurt.

I don't talk to him all day and I'm currently sitting in the our room doing some homework for potions.
He sits in the other side of the room im working in and just watches me do my work.
Ignore him.

"Summer don't ignore me."

It's like déjà vu with Remus earlier.

Suddenly my work is pulled of the table and Sirius runs away with it.

"Sirius give it back!!"

"Oh so you're talking to me now?"

"You ass!"

"If you want it you'll have to reach it!"

i try and each for it but he holds his hand up.
How am I going to get it?
Grabbing his shoulder and jumping, I wrap my legs round his middle to stop me from falling and reach up to grab the parchment. he isn't holding it very tight.
Then I realise what position im in.
We're very close. I could kiss him.
He could kiss me.

"You're an idiot."

I say softly and wrapping my arms round his neck.

"I know."

And then I do something I've wanted to do for ages.

I kiss Sirius Black.

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