Chapter 18

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I decide to go on a refreshing winter morning stroll the next morning. Cladding myself up with my big coat, a big jumper, wooly socks and leggings, thick boots and a cool hat - scarf - glove thing all in one.It's cute and it's a llama.
What more do you need?

It's only 5 so it's still dark, but the snow seems to brighten everything. I suppose looking at snow isn't so bad, it can look beautiful at times. It's the fact that it's cold that bothers me. I hate cold.

Today I decide to take a different root and make my way down to the quidditch pitch, where i haven't been yet.
I love flying but I'm not allowed to play quidditch because the staff thinks I'll cheat.

It makes me soooo mad. Y'know why? Because it means I can't be anywhere near the quidditch pitch during games or practices.

Where I'm sat gives a good view of the lake so I take a few pictures on my phone. They're good pictures because you can see the sun starting to rise over the lake and the snow on the trees and ground sparkle.
I make it perfect by making it move, so you see the sun coming up in a kind of fast forward motion.
Feeling satisfied I start to head back up to the castle, planning on changing into my comfiest clothes and starting on the book Sirius got me. The common room was full by now and I didn't want to sit in my dorm alone so I head quietly up to the boys dorm. Remus is the only one awake, so I tiptoe over to the spare bed and clime under the sheets. Propping up the pillows in the best place I snuggle down with the blanket I brought and start to read.

The others didn't start to wake up until about half nine and by then I was already a quarter of a way through the book. Peter was the first to wake, pulling back his curtains and going I tot he bathroom. I stay unnoticed by him.
The next to wake is James who goes for a shower. Peter went down to breakfast with Remus about half an hour ago.
He then goes down to breakfast too.
It's ages until Sirius starts to stir and I almost forgot he was there. I expect him to just pass by me too but he notices me straight away. I suppose it helps that the bed is right next to his.

"Mmh morning."

"Afternoon more like."

"Hhmm what time is it?"

"Twenty past twelve." He sits up and I notice he's once again, topless.

I could get used to that.

He gets up, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand while walking the sleepily to the bathroom presumably to shower.

I jump when he sits on the end of the bed, not hearing him approach.

"What are you reading?" I show him the cover.

"You like it then?"

"Yep! Thanks again!"

"It's nothing, shall we go down to lunch?" I clime out of bed and make it quickly, then realise what I'm wearing looks a lot like pyjamas.

"You go ahead I got to change out of these."

"I'll wait."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah no problem just don't take ages." Rolling my eyes I jog up the stairs and enter my cold dorm room. I change into my jeans and just throw on a tank top and jacket.

"Come on then." I say appearing at the bottom of the stairs.

"That was quick."

"What can I say, I'm awesome!" We enter the great hall still chuckling  about the weird hufflepuffs we just saw.

"It's too bad they can't find a better thing to do with their lives!!" He snorted as we sat down with the other guys.

James sends him a look that I don't Understand so I just grab a bacon sandwich I see. okay maybe two bacon sandwiches. So what?
Haters gonna hate.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I can't be bothered to do anything. I'll just do homework. But right now I'm in the common room with my phone. All the arm chairs and sofas are taken so I sit on the high window seat, finding it has better what ever you call it. wefe or something I'm not sure. Everyone is chatting and laughing and just talking in General. Lily is in the library with Alice doing homework, and the guys are - im not sure.

Sirius and James burst into the common room.

"Summer? Summer! Come quick!"

"What is it!"

"We've all been practising really hard and we've all got our patronus mastered!!"

"Show me - no not here, in the room!!" We rush to the room and Peter goes first.

It takes a few tries but he finally gets it and a small rat scuttles put his wand.

Hmm strange aren't rats a sign of betrayal?


"Amazing Pete!!" I clapped my hands.

Then Remus grabs his wand a bit sadly if I do say so. Out of his wand comes a.... wolf.

"That's okay Remus!! It's still amazing!"

James produces a magnificent stag

"Great, great, amazing!!!"

Then Sirius.

He holds out his wand and out comes a...

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