Chapter 27

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The full moon was a couple of days ago and they're getting better and shifting.

I'm sat with Remus is his dormitory, the other three are at dinner but we weren't hungry. I'm reading a muggle book called Dying to know you. Its a good book so far. Remus is reading too, a book he borrowed off me. The fault in our stars. I wish him luck in finishing that book without shedding some tears.

But then something unusual happens.

He goes to get up, presumingly to pee when he winces and grips his side.

"You alright?"

he nods nervously and goes in the bathroom.

Something's not right here.

I hear the toilet flush and he walks back out, looking like he's in pain.

"What's wrong Remus, and don't say nothing."

"I'm just sore."

"Lift up your shirt."

"What! It's fine really!!"

"Show me Remus!!"

He lifts it up and I see a massive big gash running down his side.

"My god, why isn't this being looked after!!"

"Madame Pomfrey must have missed it, I'm fine."

"Remus John Lupin, you are not okay. take off your shirt and let me help you."


"Now, you're in pain!!"

I help him out his shirt and sit him on his bed. I quickly run up to my dorms and grab the first aid kit.

"This'll sting abit."

The I dab abit of the alcohol on the cut.

He sucks his breath in but doesn't say anything.

I'm about to put on the bandage when the others walk in.

Sirius stops and stares at Remus.

"What's going on here then."

He says it stiffly.

"Remus has a deep cut going down his side so I'm just fixing it up for him."


"Okay Remus that should do."

I hand him his shirt back and he quickly puts it on before rushing out mumbling something about the library, Sirius followed him.


"Mm yeah."

Remus POV

Oh crap, he's going to kill me.

I hear the door close so I walk a little faster but he catches up. I stay silent walking through the corridors.

"Do you like Summer?"

"What! No, she's just my friend."

"Oh good, because you know I like her."


"Does she like you."

I think about her telling me that she likes Sirius and I know that she kills me if I tell him so I just say.

"No she doesn't, she likes someone else."


"Uh I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Why not?"

"She said she'll rip my insides out and feed them to a dragon."


"Sorry." We return to the our room to find James and Summer wresting on the floor.

"Give it back!!"

"No you have to get it!!"

"James you ass!!"

"My ass? It's lovely I know!"

"Ugh I will set you on fire in a minute!!"

He stops suddenly and hands her phone to her.

"Thank you."

"I'm so scared of you setting me on fire."

"Good, oh you're back!"


"Well I'll be going, Remus come and get me if you need any help with that cut, like a potion or something." She half way out the door when suddenly her head pops back round.

"Oh and Sirius, Regulus asked me to tell you that he was looking for you."

"Why were you talking to Regulus?"

"He's not that bad, he's really sweet."

Then she walks away leaving an infuriated Sirius behind.

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