Chapter 10

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Halloween is close approaching and I'm writing in my little book ideas of what to do. My book isn't a diary if that's what you're thinking, it's where I have photos of Toby and I, April and I, some times from school. I have things wrote down about muggle things, about the letter and of course prank and potion ideas. No one apart from me knows what's in this book.

And it's going to stay that way.

I take out a picture of me, Toby and April all together. A time before it all happened, before I was held prisoner in that room. The yellow cushioned walls are painted into my mind, having spent 11 years in there. Don't cry Summer, don't be weak. The scars are still there and I fear they will always be there. Its a good thing I can cover them all up, It would be horrible if I couldn't. I pull up my sleeve and look at the permanently red ringed wrists. It makes me angry, that I was weak, that I didn't break free sooner. It makes me angry when Sirius complains about his parents comparing him to his brother because if he knew what I'd been threw, his parents would look like the best compared to mine. But he doesn't know and I don't plan on telling anyone this.
I pull my sleeves back down and go back to thinking of pranks.

A couple of hours later and I'm done so I go into the bathroom to wash the ink of my hand.

The joys of being left handed.

I glance at the mirror and do a double take. I never really do get over the fact I'm not a walking skeleton after not being fed proper food for 11 years.

My hair is soft and straight, falling down to waist in its jet black glory. My skin is pale making my black hair even more bold, but its nothing compared to the boldness of my eyes. I was born with brown eyes but as my powers developed and bloomed they changed to the blue I have now. They're on the cerulean side which isn't a natural colour, but since they're influenced by my power I pay no mind to it. They sparkle when I'm up to something, I have been told.

My hands are clear of ink so I head down to dinner. Its mostly over, no food left but that doesn't matter, I can go and get some from the kitchens later.  Plonking down next to Lily I grab some pumpkin juice to sip on.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Much, thank you."

"Where did you go?"

"The lake."

"I had a question for you last night, but you were out."

"What is it?"

"I've read about your powers and I was just wondering if you have like a stronger element?"

"In order of how good I am at controlling them, and how powerful I can make them be its fire, water, air and then earth. But I'm still pretty good at air and earth even if they are my lower points."

"Cool, so how does it work, do you think about it or do you have a hand gesture to control it."

"It's hard to explain it would be easier to show you."

"Can you show me tonight?"

I think about it, of course it's very dangerous for her if things went wrong, but they don't tend to so why not. If she wants to see she can.

I nod "It will have to be late, or early morning."


"So no one can see us."

She nods and it's set in stone. Tonight I will show her how my powers work. We get up and walk out, I smile at the four morons as we walk past. Lily heads of to do homework and I make my way to the kitchens.

I am aware that they are following me, waiting to make me jump. I have a sixth sense, but they can have fun trying.

Lightbulb moment!!!

I round the corner and turn invisible, and step out of their way.

"Where did she go?"

I sneakily make a vine grow James's feet and hands together then push him over with the wind. He face plant and I can't hold In my laughter anymore. But I'm still invisible so all they hear is my wicked laugh in the air. This only makes me laugh harder. By this point they know it's me.

"Very funny Summer."

I turn visible again and pull James up by the force of air.

"Serves you right trying to make me jump."

"How did you know?"

"Sixth sense my friend, now if you'll excuse me I have a date."


"With who?"

I decide to wind him and Sirius up by just winking and walking away.

I'm so evil.

Later that night me and Lily sneak out to the lake. I make sure no ones around before treading our onto the water. I motion for her to follow me.

"But I'll just fall in!!"

"I'll keep you up like me, promise."

She treads carefully, and when she's certain she won't fall in she laughs.

"This is so cool!!"

"Just wait."

I make the water rise up and glow red, orange, green, yellow.


"That's just water my friend."

I summon a rock from beneath to make a more solid foundation for her.

"What next?"


I chuckle and make my purple and green fire create shapes in the air, weaving it's way around the water.

" I wish I had a camera right now."

" A what?"

"Never mind."

I shrug and carry on making the fire and water dance with each other.

It's getting late so I suggest we go to bed.

"That was artistic."

She said quietly as we make our way to the common room.

I shrug.

"It's okay now, when I was a bit younger it was all over the place with my emotions."

"Did you have a good childhood?"

I think back to my wrists, to my photos and the internal pain my parents caused me.

"Not really."


"Do you know about Sirius Blacks family?"


"My family was like his, it made it awkward as I didn't think the same."

"What do you mean 'was like?"


"My entire family, they're not alive anymore."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

It's not okay.

"Did you have any siblings?"

I pull out the photo I was looking at earlier.

"My twin Toby and my little sister April."

She sighs as she looks at it.

"I'm so sorry." She says again.

"It's okay."

I say as I clime into bed.

it's not okay.

But she doesn't need to know that.

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