Chapter 59

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I keep a close eye on Charlie during the feast, but he seems to see me doing so and doesn't do anything abnormal.

I mean, cool.

I'm not allowed to help with his love life.

Fine, totally, cool.

I'm not salty at all, not in the least.

Okay, maybe i am.

I just want to see Charlie with someone, that would make me happy.

"Hey Summer?"


"Have you ever been to a theme park?"

"A what?"

"A theme park, like um, Alton Towers?"

"No, i don't know what an Alton Tower is."

"You don't know?"

"Why, what is it?"

"Theme parks are only the most fun and exhilarating thing ever!"


"You know what a roller coaster is right?"

"Brief idea,  a cart on a rail."

"Well a theme park is a bundle of them, all in one place."


"Well anyway, in the summer, we should go to a bunch of them. I've planned it out."

I nod, and continue to look around the hall.

I pick at my Star Wars bottoms and eat my spaghetti hoops.

Sitting here is no fun.

I want to go on an adventure, in the woods.

In my animagus form.

It will only be a stroll, nothing major.

As soon as i know Lily is fast asleep, i sneak down to the common room.

I trip on a piece of parchment, and as i go to kick it aside i recognize the style of it.

Weird way to recognize something but whatever.

It's the marauders map.

I open it up and look for the boys. They're in the kitchens.

Greedy, we had dinner less than two hours ago.

Tapping their dots and saying 'Sermo', speech  bubbles appear.

"-maybe i should let her help, but i want to do something without her help."

"You should try it yourself first, we'll keep Summer out the way, and then if things go a bit wrong she can work her magic and help you."

"You make it sound like she's some match maker pro."

"She might as well be, i think she can make people fall in love."

"I don't know, she has so many abilities I've lost track of them all."

"What was she like when she went to your old school?"

"American academy for boys? She was the same really, more troublesome, but i think that was because she was young."

"Being surrounded by boys probably didn't go well with her temper?"

"Oh god no, even her brother couldn't control her and they were twins. You know, special bonds."

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