Chapter 7

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"I mean, I knew you weren't telling me something - but this?"

I nod.

"I've read about them of course, but it's been so long."

Again, I nod.

"Your anger can't help with it either?"

This time I shake my head.



"You have something else though."

"You don't think I'm a freak?"

"Of course not, Dont be dramatic! You're still my friend! Get some sleep, you have Hogsmeade tomorrow."

And thats what I do, finding it suddenly easier to slip into a peaceful sleep.


I wake up to find Lily already gone so I jump around putting my clothes on; jeans, a baggy blue jumper and my fluffy coat. Yanking my stubborn vans on and grabbing my purse I rush down the stair to the great hall for breakfast.

Sitting down and grabbing my yoghurt, I gobble it down likes its my last meal.

"I see your eyebrows are back." I say to Sirius and he wiggles them in reply.

"Madame Pomfrey did them since you wouldn't."

"Your own fault, I told you not to put it it."

"Where's the fun in that?"

We're rudely interrupted by the other three sitting down and devouring their breakfast.

"You excited to go to hogsmeade?"

"Yeah, I wanna go to zonkos."

"Like pranks then?"

"Please, I'm queen of pranks. I got expelled three times for it."

"Sounds like a challenge." James joins in.

"What are you thinking?"

"Halloween, best prank on Slytherin wins."

"What's the prize."

"Forever known as prank queen/king and leader of the marauders."

"The what now?"

"We decided on marauders as our group name in second year." says Sirius

"So I'm a part of your little group am I?"

"If you want to be."

Fuck it, I'm down with these guys.

"I'm in."


"I want to go." Sirius whines, complaining like a three year old.


"It's freezing."

"Grow a pair."

"I already have a pair."

"Grow some more."

"Now now love birds don't argue." James sing songs and I shoot a look at him.

"The only lovebirds around here are Rem and that book."

"Shut up Summer." Remus mutters not looking up from said book.

"Everyone shut up I'm under a lot of pressure okay, this is hard."

"It's choosing who to throw a dungbomb at, not a life and death situation."

"If you don't want it shoved down your throat shut up."

"Feisty, I like it."

"I'll give you feisty."

"Kinky." James says with a wink.

"Shut up James."

"Make me."


Peace at last and I think I'll throw it at Lucius Malfoy. Nobody likes that blonde prick anyway.


Until I'm shoved. By James. Who's hands I have glued to the inside of his mouth. For quiet.

"Mmhhppp- mmuuvsnd."

"What's that James, couldn't quiet hear you over how awesome I am."

"He's not going to forgive you for this." Sirius says as we make our way back up to the castle.

I shrug and say simply

"I'll live."

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