Chapter 52

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Remus is feeling much better by the time the fifth rolls around. I've decided to keep my fireworks for a different occasion, something special. Maybe when i finish my OWLs, that's special enough.

Right now i'm eating my new favorite breakfast, a muggle cereal called 'Krave'.

I love them.

Chocolaty goodness.

Next to me is Charlie and on my other side is Sirius.

Everyone loves Charlies hair and he receives compliments off everyone who's opinion matters.

People aren't so judge mental about his lack of straightness now, of course he still gets the odd insult from a Slytherin but I've taught him to ignore it and not care.

Like me.

People throw insults at me all the time, i get hate mail from people i don't know and rocks thrown at me while i pass by. But i know that one day when i help the world from a war or two , people will accept me as a good person.

Stop thinking about that though Summer, today is a good day.

We begin this years 'study phase' as i call it. none stop work until the exams in the last few weeks of school. In a way i'm looking forward to all the work because it will distract me from the bad things happening in the outside world. But then i'm not looking forward to it because it means less time having fun and more time working our butts off. It's all for future references though so i think i can handle it.

It will at least distract me from the nightmares.

For a while now I've been having weird dreams about snakes and a locket with an eye in it. I'm not sure why and i have the feeling that it could be me seeing the future again. When I was about twelve or eleven i would always get major headaches before blacking out completely and seeing things in the future. Not too far, only a few weeks later would the stuff happen. But after i had my thirteenth birthday they stopped. I've just had my sixteenth birthday and i'm starting to get them again.

But no one seems to really care. Dumbledore says i'm just paranoid and stressed because of the OWLs and that as soon as this is all over, everything will go back to normal. But i have this feeling, a gut feeling, that this time they won't go away, that it is me seeing into the future and that something bad is going to happen soon.

I don't know how soon, but soon.

I'm rummaging through my bedside table for a new quill when my hand brushes up against a book.

Pulling it out from the drawer, in my hands i hold my old black book.

Ever since Lily got me my new one, i'd copied all the potions and spells down, put my pictures somewhere else and forgot about the old one.

Opening it up, i see all my writing from when i was in all my different schools. Diary entries . new ideas, spells , potions and...the letter.

I've been so caught up with school, i can't believe I've forgot about it.

The letter from my family murderer.

My dearest Summer,

It is with great disappointment that i write this letter to you today. Your mother and father allowed you to escape therefor i had to kill them, your brother and your sister as they have all failed me. Of course i don't blame you dear, it is only natural for a young girl to want to rebel against her peer figures but i'm very angry that you ran away. If you had been taken by someone else, i might have never have found you.

I want to tell you why i killed your family.

Because they failed to keep you in that room until you were of age, when i would have came and got you for my own. Your powers could and would be of great use to me, i could train you up to know your limits and together we would be rulers of the wizarding world.

I fear that you will go to Dumbledore, a man who, quite frankly, scares me a bit.

All this talk of goodness will get to you and i fear that you will not want to join me when i come to collect you.

I will, however, keep my promise to leave you be until you are of age.

Then, my dear, you and me will get to know each other much much better.

I hope to see again my darling,


your worst nightmare xx

How dare this vile creature call me petty names like 'darling' and still not be ashamed that he killed my whole family?

He sickens me and i'll never be his friend.

But i just can't figure out who wrote it.

They've got nice ass writing that's all i can say.

Normally i can look at the writing and see the person writing it, even if it was millions of years ago. But there seems to be some kind of hex on this and i can't, for the life of me figure out who did it.

I've pondered over this for three years, I've added notes to the sides of it, I've tried with all of me to think about it.

But i can't.

I feel like a failure every time i look at it.

A failure to Toby and April, they died and i can't even avenge their deaths by hunting down the killer.

Putting away the letter and shutting off the light, i fall into a restless sleep dreaming of big spiders and round glasses.

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