Chapter 43:

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Harley's POV:

To see Brantley walk inside unharmed was a huge relief. Him and my pops ushered me in the house so quick I didn't know what was going on. Brantley had a funny look on his face, like he had something in his mind, and my pops looked downright content. We sat through supper and headed to my house. When we got there, I kicked up the air conditioner to get out the stuffiness. We settled in after our showers and watched a little TV. I was beginning to get a little frustrated with Brantley honestly. He spent most of the movie playing in his phone, in his own little world. Several times I tried to start up a conversation, and I barely got one-word answers. Which was so not like him. Normally, Brantley was a very attentive man. He knew what I needed before I needed it, and was always quick to give it to me. He'd sit with me and talk for hours, or hold me close. Always doing sweet little gestures like holding my hand, or kissing my temple. But I was getting nothing. He got up to go to the restroom, and left his phone on the arm of the couch. He turned back at the last minute and grabbed it, bringing it with him. That was odd. He never hid his phone from me. Ever. I noticed that he put a passcode on it as well, he never had one before. Which pissed me off all the more. I decided to not bring it up right now. I would ignore it and see if it continued. I sighed and settled in to my spot on the couch. When Brantley came back, I was half asleep. So he turned off the TV and held out his hand to me. "Come on angel, let's get you to bed." He said and tugged me up. When we made it to the bedroom, he tucked me in and turned to leave. "Wait, aren't you coming to bed?" I asked softly. "No, not yet. I need to uhh... Handle a few things. Make a few calls. Tour stuff..." He said uneasily. He was lying. I knew he was. Brantley could never lie to me, and he still can't. He wouldn't meet my eyes when he said it. I nodded sadly and rolled over.

It's been a week and a half. Brantley is still being a shady little fucker, and it's completely pissing me off. He won't leave his phone anywhere I can get to it. He's hiding things from me, he's lying, he's going out on errands and not getting home until the middle of the night. Everything has just escalated since Louisiana. We're back in Georgia now, and I'm miserable. I hated to think the worst, but I was starting to. We were currently driving back home from church and I gathered my courage. "Who is it?" I blurted out. "Who's who baby?" He asked curiously. "Who is she? If there's someone else, tell me now Brantley. I can't do this anymore. You've been lying to me. You're leaving the house and not getting back until late at night, you're hiding your phone, being sneaky.. So what the hell's going on?" I spit out vehemently. "Wait... You think I'm messing around on you? That's what you think is going on?" He chuckled and pulled over to the side of the road. "I don't find it funny. If there's someone else.. If I'm not enough for you.. I just.. I love you. More than anything. But I can share you with another woman Brantley. It's killing me. I feel like I'm not good enough. Like you don't want me anymore." I sniffled. He unbuckled and turned to me. "Baby girl no. Let me stop you right there. Yes, I have been sneaking around and hiding things from you, but it's not what you think. Tomorrow is your birthday, and I've been planning your party. Right this minute, both of our families, our friends.. They're all back at the house setting up for a surprise party. I hate to ruin the surprise part, but I can't let you think that I'm stepping out on you angel. Why do you think Momma wasn't at church today?" He said. I looked at him. Nope. Not lying this time. "R-really?" I sniffled. "Of course angel, come here Harley. I love you baby, more than anything. Don't you ever, ever think that you aren't good enough baby girl. I'm the luckiest bastard alive." He said and took my face in his hands. He wiped away my tears and kissed me softly. "Now what do you say we go crash that party?" He grinned. I nodded happily.

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