Chapter 36:

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Brantley's POV:

I'm pretty sure the dispatcher was terrified of me. A uniformed officer came walking up to the front desk, "Shit Mary you weren't lying. He IS big!" He tried to whisper but failed. Harley giggled and looked up at me. When she looked at me like that, it makes me feel like maybe I really did hang the moon. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead, pulling her closer to me. She sighed happily. I looked to my left, at the newest member of this ragtag little pack of mine, and ruffled Danny's hair. He grinned affectionately. "Hello, my name is Officer Ross. What's going on here? Is that a human you have hog tied right there?!" The police officer introduced himself then paused when he saw Scott. "Yeap." I answered simply. I went on to explain what had been going on, I showed him the emails, the pictures, all the things he left at Harley's hotel room. I showed him Danny's split lip. His black eye. He felt the lump on Harley's head. He took our statements. I yanked Scott up to his feet and untied him. I left the gag on. The cop looked at me sideways. "He's mouthy." I dead panned. His eyes widened and glanced from me to Scott. Then back to me. He swallowed visibly and started the process, transferring Scott to a holding cell to wait. As he typed up all the information, and ran all of our names, he paused. His face went white, and his hands trembled on the keyboard. He glanced at me, then back to the screen. "Uhh sir?" He croaked. I looked at him. "Maybe your current company would like to take a walk? Maybe get some coffee or something?" He asked hopefully. "What?! No way. I'm not going anywhere." Harley growled. The officer looked at me pleadingly. Something was wrong. "Harley!" I barked a little louder than necessary. She paused and turned to me. "Go with Danny, angel. Go get some coffee." I told her. Danny stood to do as I asked. But Harley went to argue again. "Harley!" I warned, growling. She knew I was serious then. "Ok.." She whispered. I kissed her quickly before they left. I waited until they were out of earshot to turn back to the officer. "Alright, you've got my attention. Now what the hell did you see on that screen?" I growled. He quickly turned the screen to face me. "You recognize this guy?" He asked me. I nodded. "That's Scott. Darker hair, but that's him." I said. He shook his head no. "That's Carter Richards. Remember that B-list starlet that was taped and killed about a year ago? He was the main suspect. This guy," he paused and flipped to another picture. Still Scott, with a shaved head and blue contacts. "Wanted for questioning in a high profile case involving a rape victim who turned about to be an attorney. The list goes on man. Florida, Nevada, Kansas... This guy is spread across 13 states. And I hate to say this, but I think his next target was Ms. Knight." He finished explaining. I passed my hand over my beard and sat back. "Holy shit.." I breathed. "Man, how'd you even catch this guy? Law enforcement officials from across the country have been trying, unsuccessfully, to get a lead on this guy, with no luck. Yet you cart him in here trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey." He looked at me in awe. "His first mistake is coming after what's mine. He contacted my woman. His next mistake was thinking he could get away with it. His final strike was when he put his hands on her. My little buddy got hurt in the process, trying to protect Harley. He's lucky I didn't kill him." I growled. About that time Harley and Danny came back, officer Ross quickly turned the screen back to face him.

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