Chapter 8:

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Brantley wasn't lying, he was definitely a cuddler. I usually wasn't, but I had to admit, this was nice. Really nice. He had stripped down to a pair of black boxer briefs, and I had snatched his tshirt to sleep in. I woke up surrounded by Brantley. By his scent, his arms, his body. During the night he had snuggled up behind me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into and slightly under him. The weight of his body was warm and reassuring, and I can't remember a time that I've ever felt more content. I sighed happily and enjoyed it for a moment more before we got up and got ready for our day.

After an uneventful morning of just lounging around, we headed off to sound check before show time. Once that was done, I grabbed my note pad and started working on a song that was stuck in my head. My sound was unique. A little country, a little bluesy. A little rock & roll. I hummed out a melody real quick when I heard a familiar voice. "There she is!" I looked up and saw my best friend. "Bri! You weren't supposed to be here for another few days. Why didn't you tell me? I would've picked you up!" I smiled and practically launched myself at her. "I wanted to surprise you!" She laughed. "Well mission accomplished!" I replied and hugged her again. I turned and put my notebook away before grabbing her hand. "Come on, let's go find Brantley." I grinned and pulled her along behind me. We found him hanging out with PJ and the band, tossing a football around. "Heads up!" Someone shouted and Bri, being slightly taller than me, caught the ball over my head. "Nice catch!" Someone yelled and she grinned. "Hey princess." Brantley grinned walking over to us. "Hey Brantley, this is the infamous Bri. I hope you don't mind, I asked her to come along with me..." I smiled hopefully. He smiled. "Of course not honey, Bri you're more than welcome to stay for as long as you like. It's nice to finally meet you firecracker." Brantley grinned at her and hugged her real quick. Bri laughed and swatted his chest. We sat back and watched the boys play for a while before heading inside to get ready for the show. After showering, I got to work on my hair and make up, while Bri picked out our clothes. I left my hair down, in big messy waves, and kept my make up light. Some natural tones to make my eyes pop, black liner and mascara, and a matte berry lip. Bri's hair had been straightened to perfection, all glossy and shiny, and her make up was subtle, similar to mine, but she had a bright cherry red lipstick on. For our outfits, Bri had chosen a casual lace dress for herself, black with a red silk underlay, and some black wedge booties. For me, she knew I was more laid back. Bri enjoyed dressing up, and she looked damn good doing it. Me, I kept it simple. She chose a pair of my favorite cut off shorts, my old black Harley Davidson tshirt, the sleeves ripped off and the collar frayed. And my black boots. I painted my nails a dark red to match my lips, and Bri had already had her nails a shimmery silver color. I buckled my black rather cuff onto my wrist, grabbed my leather jacket with all my MC patches on it, and we headed out.

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