Chapter 6:

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Brantley's POV:

I kissed her head as I walked passed her and chuckled at her blush. "Keep an eye on Harley for me, and Jeff, I think you just got a new client." I told my band. My manager nodded that he understood and agreed to draw up a contract for Harley. As I went to walk off he stopped me, "Where you going BG?" He asked curiously. "I'm goin have a little chat with our good buddy Scott..." I growled and headed off to meet up with PJ. The band cringed, they knew this wouldn't end well. As I made it to where PJ was, I let him know he could head back to the bus. Scott was sitting on concrete bench off to the side. "We need to talk. You're officially fired, and Harley will be under new management." I spoke calmly. "You can't do that! We have a contract!" He exclaimed jumping up. I pulled myself up to my full height and crossed my arms over my chest as I looked down at me. He quickly retreated a couple steps from where he'd run up. "That contract is null and void." I growled. "How's that? You going to buy me out?!" He hissed. "No, I'm not going to buy you out. But if you don't shred that contract I'll be more than happy to take you out." I got in his face then. My hands grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and lifting him to eye level with me. He snarled when I let him go and shoved him back a few steps. "Do we have an understanding?" I asked calmly. "Understand this you overgrown, tattooed, biker thug!" He hollered before throwing a sloppy right hook at my jaw. He missed and then I was on him. It was all the invitation I needed. By the time I finished, I had the shredded contract in my hand, and Scott was no longer a concern. I'm sure he found his way to a hospital. He's lucky he's still breathing. As I walked back onto the bus, Harley was arguing with PJ. The sight was comical. Harley, barely 5'3" and tiny, and PJ, well over 6' and as wide as a Cadillac. She was giving him hell too, he looked over at me pleadingly. "Thank God man, I thought you'd never get back!" He sighed and lifted Harley by the back of her tshirt. PJ deposited her in my arms and I steadied her on her feet. "What's the problem?" I asked everyone chuckling. "She wants to leave. You said to watch her." My drummer explained. I looked at Harley to explain. "I'm hungry. I want to go and get something to eat. They won't let me leave." She huffed. I grinned. "Come on girl. Let's go feed you, before you terrify the rest of my crew." I slung an arm around her shoulders and she froze. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Brantley why are your rings bloody?" Harley asked as she stared at my hand. "Guess I didn't get it all earlier." I said as I went to the sink to scrub my rings. "Is that... From Scott?" She paused. "Yep.." I answered honestly. "He still breathing?" She asked. I nodded. "Ok then, hurry up. I'm starving." She said like nothing happened. When everyone on the bus looked at her in shock, she explained. "Guys I grew up around bikers. My dad is president of Knight's Shield. I'm used to overprotective, territorial, alpha males. Besides, he had it coming." She shrugged. Their jaws dropped. I grinned. I dried my hands and approached her. "Now, all clean. See? No more blood." I showed Harley my hands and she giggled and kissed my knuckles where one had split. I tugged her against me and we headed out to the trailer where my ride was. "Bike or truck?" I asked her. "Bike!" She was quick to answer, so I unloaded my motorcycle and climbed on. She hopped on behind me and we took off. We hit the interstate and I was pushing 85mph, I knew I was speeding. So I backed off the throttle and asked if she was ok. Harley laughed loudly and hugged me tight, "More! Faster Brantley!" She giggled and I was happy to oblige. I felt her small frame trying to peer over my shoulder, so I hit the blinker and pulled over onto the shoulder to stop. When I tapped her thigh to climb off, she did, and I scooted back further on the bike. "Why'd you stop?" She asked me. I patted my lap. "Climb on little one, sit up front. That way you can actually see." I grinned. She squealed happily and scrambled into my lap. Her back to my chest, and her legs stretched out over mine. I wrapped an arm around her middle as we sped off back onto the road.

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