Chapter 38:

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Harley's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since Scott was charged, tried, and sentenced. Brantley and I were sitting around the bus, Danny lounging around with us. "Hey Brantley..." I asked him. "Yeah angel?" He asked. "Can we go for a ride? You haven't taken me on your bike in ages, and I'm itching for a ride!" I giggled. "Sure princess, give me just a second to make a phone call." He said and stepped off the bus. When he came back a few minutes later he was grinning widely. Not long after I heard a motorcycle pull up. I looked out and saw Jace, one of Brantley's security guys and a good buddy of ours as well. Jace was all biker. About Brantley's size, he had a shaved head, blue eyes, and a beard. Covered in tattoos. He walked on the bus and spotted Danny sitting in the recliner. He smiled gently and nodded a thanks to Brantley. "What's going o-" I was cut off by Brantley's hand covering my mouth. I glared at him and nipped his palm. "Shh.. Let them settle honey. I'll explain later." He said cryptically. I looked over in time to see Jace approach Danny. "That's my seat." He said gruffly. Danny scrambled up and out of the way. "I-I'm sorry. I'll move. I didn't mean to-" have cut him off. "I didn't say move. I just said that's my spot. Settle down now little one." Jace cooed and sat in the recliner. He caught Danny by the waist and tugged him into his lap. Danny froze and stiffened. I went to move towards him, but Brantley held me back. Telling me to let Jace handle it. I fidgeted nervously, not liking that Danny was upset. "Easy. I'm not gonna hurt ya." Jace told him. Danny relaxed slowly, timidly leaning into the older male. Jace moved slowly, tucking Danny into his chest and relaxing into the chair. My eyes widened. Brantley tugged me outside. "Is Jace gay?" I asked. Brantley nodded. "Yeah. He's so much like me, I figured Danny might feel comfortable around him. Jace has been single along time, and I think They'd be good for each other. Jace would be good for Danny. He'd protect him, care for him." Brantley rumbled. "Just like you do for me." I smiled. He nodded and returned my smile. "Mr. Gilbert you're such a sweetheart." I grinned and smooched him. He laughed and patted my behind affectionately. About that time Jace and Danny walked outside, Jace had his hands in his pockets, and Danny had both his hands wrapped around one of the older male's arms. "We riding or not?" Jace chuckled. I squealed happily. "Danny have you ever ridden?" I asked as I moved to hug him. He hugged me tightly and shook his head no. "But I've ways wanted to." He grinned shyly. "You'll love it!!!" I exclaimed and scrambled onto Brantley's lap. My back to his chest. Jace raised an eyebrow. "She's too small to ride Bitch. Danny probably will be too. They can't see anything, it's simpler this way." Brantley explained the unique position we were in. Jace nodded and scooted back on his bike, allowing Danny to climb on in front of him. We took off roaring, and I let out a howl, I glanced over at Danny and saw him grinning widely. We rode side by side on the road, cruising and soaking up the sun. I started getting drowsy, so when we stopped at a red light I spun around, facing Brantley and locking my legs around his hips as I cuddled into his chest. He kissed me quickly, rumbling "Sleep princess, I've got you." In my ear as we took off again. I took his advice, and was out in minutes.

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