Chapter 20:

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Harley's POV:

"You alright Harley?" Brantley asked me, still breathing heavily. I grunted, not moving a muscle. He chuckled and lumbered to his feet, tugging me up with him. My knees wobbled and I clung to him as we made it to the back of the bus to get dressed. After pulling on one of Brantley's tshirts, I flipped onto the bed, face first. He laughed and kissed my forehead. "Sleep angel, I'm gonna go clean up the war zone and call the guys back." He said and headed back to the front. I must've dozed longer than I thought, because when I came out, Brantley was dressed for the show, freshly showered, and the band was there. "Jesus B! What'd you do to her? You broke Harley!" The drummer exclaimed as I waddled to the couch and flopped down. "M'not broken. Just sleepy. Shut up." I mumbled, curling up in Brantley's jacket like a cat. I breathed in the worn leather, sighing contentedly. "If you're still sleepy the. Go back to bed." He said. "Can't." I growled. He raised an eyebrow. "Brantley can't come to bed. He's got to perform. I can't sleep unless Brantley's there. I've tried." I whined pitifully. Brantley shook his head and chuckled. "Come on princess, I'll lay with ya til you fall asleep. I've got about 30 minutes before showtime. You aren't scheduled for tonight, so you can get some rest." The guys grinned and and made noises like a whip cracking. "You damn right I'm whipped. You see that woman right there? That gorgeous, incredible woman? Yeah... She's Mine. All that belongs to me." Brantley boasted, pointing to me. "Man he's got a point. If I had a woman that looked like that, I'd be pretty whipped too.." Someone mumbled. The rest of the band agreed. I blushed and reached for Brantley. He scooped me up. "You're spoiled you know that?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Guess I shouldn't get fat then." I murmured, snuggling into his neck. He laughed. "Nah, it'll be ok if you do. I like a little meat on them bones. Besides, we gotta give Wendy those babies she wants, and you've gotta gain weight for babies." He nuzzled my jaw. I swatted at his shoulder and he cracked up. The band laughed as well.

As Brantley held me in bed, I was almost asleep. But I couldn't quite get there. "Can you sing to me?" I asked him shyly. He sat up a little and pulled me to his chest. "What you wanna hear angel?" He smiled. "Hell on an angel..." I told him. He kissed me quickly and started singing, his voice low, vibrating through his chest. I sighed happily and was asleep in minutes. When I woke up, Jeff was yelling for me. I jumped up and ran to see what's wrong. "What?! What's wrong?!" I yelled. "Get dressed, you need to see this, and the crowd is screaming for you. Brantley's exact words were 'get that woman up, and tell her to get that cute little ass moving.' So here I am, asking you to please hurry." He panted. He must've ran here. I turned on my heel and rushed to the bedroom to throw on some clothes. I yanked on a pair of jeans, socks, my boots. I took off Brantley's tshirt and pulled on one of his hoodies. My hair went up into a messy bun, and then we were off, heading for the stage. When we got there, I froze in my tracks. He wouldn't.... I turned to Jeff. "I told you that you'd have to see this for yourself...." He motioned back to Brantley.

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