Chapter 33:

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Harley's POV:

I woke up in the hotel room with a throbbing headache. Danny was lying on the other bed, just waking up as well. He touched his lip and winced. "Are you ok?" I asked him. He grimaced. "I was going to ask you the same thing." I frowned and patted the space next to me. He climbed in with me and we both paused, looking around. "Something's missing.." He started. "Yeah, a big 6 foot something, that cusses too much and growls at people..." I groaned. "Brantley?" Danny called out hesitantly. "Brantley Keith?!" I seconded. Nothing. The sun glinted of something shiny, causing me to wince, I turned to the nightstand and froze. The sun was glinting off Brantley's gun. It sat on top of a folded piece of paper. Next to that was 2 bottles of water, a bottle of Aleve, some neosporin, 2 of his tshirts, and a pair of his track pants. I grabbed the note.

'First off, both of you take 2 Aleve. Drink all the water. Danny, put some Neosporin on that lip, Bud. I guess you noticed I'm not there, I'll be back soon. Stay in the room. Lock the door, and don't open it for anyone but me. Not even the cops. Take a shower. I left yall each a tshirt, and Danny some sweats. Harley be packed and ready for when I get back. Danny, if you're coming with us, we'll run you wherever you need to get your stuff. Make any arrangements you need to. Call me if you need me.

I finished reading the note and handed it to Danny. He started to read and paused as I handed him his water and the 2 Aleve. He continued, and when he got to the part where Brantley asked if he was coming, he gasped. "H-he really offered to take me along?" He whispered. I went and sat next to him. I took one of his hands in mine and laid my head on his shoulder. I nodded. "We're family now. I'd very much like you to come with us Danny, and as rough and tough as Brantley is, he really is a big softy when it comes to those he cares about. What's holding you here?" I asked him softly. "Nothing at all honestly. A fresh start would be incredible..." He sighed sadly. "So come with us. Start fresh. I don't want to lose you." I sniffled. Danny hugged me tighter and agreed, smiling slightly. "I'm just scared that I misunderstood. Like maybe Brantley just wants to drop me off somewhere away from here..." Danny trailed off. I squeezed his hand reassuringly.
My nerves were all over the place. We had taken turns showering, all of my things were packed, and I was ready to go. But we still hadn't heard from Brantley. I jumped when my phone rang. Seeing his name on the screen I answered quickly. "Where are you? Are you alright? When are you coming back?" I rushed out. "I'm fine baby. Yall pack everything up, including all the shit he sent you, and meet me downstairs. Both of you. Make it quick momma, I'm double parked." He chuckled and hung up. I stared at my phone for a good 30 seconds. Danny looked at me curiously. "We've been summoned..." I half grinned. We grabbed everything out of the room and rushed downstairs, when we got to the doors of the lobby, I spotted Brantley. He was leaning against the side of a big black Ford rental, grinning like a fool. As we got closer, Danny and I stopped in our tracks. "Oh my God.." Danny gasped. "Brantley Keith Gilbert! Tell me you didn't!" I exclaimed, staring in the back of the pickup.

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