Chapter 23:

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Harley's POV:

I was nervous. Really stinking nervous. We made it to Lafayette, and Brantley and I took his motorcycle to my house about 45 minutes away. He pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. I was dragging him along behind me, trying to hurry him along. We made it inside, and before I could speak the phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Get over here. Now Harley." My dad spoke gruffly. "Yes sir." I sighed and hung up. Brantley looked confused. "Looks like you get to meet my dad sooner than we thought." I groaned. "Come on, it won't be that bad." He chuckled and guided me back outside and onto his bike. We pulled up to my dad's house about 15 minutes later. As soon as Brantley cut the engine, my dad was coming down the porch steps. "Harley Rae Knight! It had to be a biker... You couldn't have dated one of the nice boys that were always sniffin around, could ya? A stock broker. A lawyer. A goddamn teacher even. No, you show up on a softtail with a goddamn biker. You look here boy, that's my baby girl. My pride and joy. And I swear to God, you ever... EVER hurt her, they won't find your body. I'll kill you before you can blink. You step wrong, and you're done. You get me?" My dad stormed down the sidewalk and got in Brantley's face. Brantley was about 3 inches taller than my dad, and had a bigger build. But my dad could be terrifying. I just stared in horror, scared of what would happen next. I knew what he was doing. My dad was trying to run Brantley off. "Pops!" I yelled to separate them. "Not now Princess, we're just talking." He said, never looking away from Brantley. He took a step closer. "Stop it! Pops!" I tried again. "Harley calm down. He's your daddy, and if my daughter showed up one day on the back of a motorcycle, with a sumbitch anything like me, I'd have a stroke too. Hello, my name is Brantley Gilbert. You must be Mr. Knight." Brantley spoke calmly, as if there weren't a big angry biker in his face. "Excuse me?! Did you hear what I just told you?" My dad bellowed. Brantley chuckled darkly. Shit. I know that chuckle. This was about to get ugly. "Yes sir. I heard every word. But now it's your turn to listen up Hoss. I get it. Harley is your daughter. But she's my woman. For as long as she'll have me. I love that little girl of yours more than anything in this world. And I'm standing here giving you my word, man to man, that I'll never hurt her. I'll never disrespect her. I'll treat her like my queen, and she'll never want for anything. Biker's honor. Now you still wanna go, we can do this right here, right now. But I ain't like any of those little boys sniffin around. I ain't gonna flinch when you buck. And I can guaran-damn-tee that this little intimidation shit ain't gonna work on me sir. You wanna fight? We can do that. You wanna shake my hand like a man and go inside? We can do that too. Ball's in your court, you choose. But either way, I ain't leavin." Brantley growled, his voice dangerously low. He stood toe to toe with my dad, not flinching. I panicked. I went to stand in between them. But my dad stuck his hand out, motioning me to stop. I froze mid-step, my mouth dropping open when my dad stepped back, extended his hand to Brantley and said "Hot damn I like you already. You got balls kid, be good to my little girl and we've got no problems. You can call me Jakob." My dad smiled. Actually smiled. So did Brantley, and they shook hands. My dad patted Brantley's back and they headed inside. I followed behind them, still shocked. My dad doesn't like any male around me. ANY male. Yet Brantley just got his stamp of approval, and a real Jakob Knight smile. Holy shit!

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