Chapter 22:

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Harley's POV:

I stomped off stage, a little numb. I think I was in shock. I don't necessarily think I was mad, I was amused for sure. And to be honest, pretty turned on. Having Brantley practically stake his claim like that really revved my engine. I stopped and turned to face him on stage. He was still grinning from ear to ear, but had started another song, one of his this time. "Give me a mic." I told Jeff. One of the stagehands scrambled to get me one. When I had it, I took off. Striding purposefully onto the stage as the song ended. "Hey Gilbert!" I yelled harshly. Brantley turned to look at me. "Hurry up would ya? There's a woman in need over here. Don't make me wait, it's just cruel Daddy.." I purred into the mic and strode towards him. When I got within arms reach I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him. All tongue and teeth, and nearly melted into a puddle on the floor. I moaned into his mouth and nipped his bottom lip. He growled, I shivered. I walked off stage, swinging my hips and shaking my ass. This time, I was the one grinning like a fool. The crowd was wild. Then I heard him. "Well... That's all folks! Duty calls! A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." He waved to the crowd then came running off stage. He scooped me up and kept moving straight back towards the bus. I giggled and he laughed right along with me.

The next morning, we woke up sprawled across the bed. Someone was knocking on the door. "Yall alive in there boss man?" PJ asked. Brantley sat up, "yeah man. We're good. What's up?" He asked as he pulled on some clothes. "We're about to roll out. Headed down to Harley's neck of the woods actually. Next stop is Lafayette, Louisiana." He said. "Alright man, we're ready." Brantley replied. "I'm so ready to be back in Louisiana." I grinned. Brantley crawled back into bed. "I'm sure you are, and I'm sure your dad is just gonna love me." He chuckled. "Well shit... You're gonna have to meet him huh?" I nibbled my lip nervously. This was gonna be bad. Really, really bad.

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