Chapter 29:

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Brantley's POV:
Harley was terrified. I could tell. Her eyes were wide, her breathing too uneven. I could barely understand her she was talking so fast. "I know who it is!" She yelled. She broke down into tears, covering her mouth with her hand. "Shit baby, I'm on my way, alright? You hear me Harley?! I'm coming angel." I told her. I was still on stage when Brionna started blowing up my phone. When I didn't answer, he texted me 'EMERGENCY! Call me. Harley's scared to death. Don't know what's wrong!' I called her immediately, still on stage. Then I FaceTimed Harley. When she calmed enough to explain things to me, my blood was boiling. The crowd was blessedly silent, they knew it had to be important for me to interrupt a show. "Ladies and gentleman, I'm truly sorry, but we're gonna have to cut this short. I need to get to Harley, ASAP. There's been a situation that needs my handling." I told the audience. I headed off stage and flagged down Jeff. "Get me on a jet to L.A., now! I don't care what it costs, or who it outs out. I need to be in Los Angeles immediately!" I growled. He jumped and grabbed his phone to make arrangements. "Brantley I'm scared." Harley sniffled through the phone. "I know angel, it's alright. I'm coming ok? Just take a deep breath for me. Good girl, now can you tell me what that email said?" I coaxed her gently. I kept my tone light, not wanting to upset her anymore. Once she read the letter, I roared. Several stage hands jumped and stopped what they were doing. I punched the wall and fumed silently. "Brantley... I've got the pilot himself on the line. I can have you I. The air within the hour, you'll be in L.A. by morning, but we need to leave now. I nodded and breathed deeply. "I'm on my way angel, just hang in there for me ok?" I told her softly. She agreed and we hung up.
At the airfield, I met the pilot. My bag was in my hand and I was still fuming. "You flyin this thing?" I asked him. He nodded. "Then let's go." I growled. He nodded quickly. "I was told to get you to Los Angeles immediately, and not to ask questions. So that's what I'm going to do." He spoke efficiently. I nodded and shook his hand. Then we loaded up and we were off. The flight was smooth, but I was still restless. I needed to get to Harley. I needed to see for myself that she was alright. And I damn sure needed to find out who this asshole was. Because when I found out, I'd make him pay. If the cops don't want to handle it.. Then I will.

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