Chapter 32:

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Still Brantley's POV:

The police wouldn't be here for a few hours. LAPD was tied up with an attempted robbery on a federal bank, so they wouldn't be here until after lunch. I sighed and ran my hand over my head. "Baby I'm gonna grab a shower real quick alright?" I asked Harley who was dozing on the couch. She nodded and cuddled further into my jacket. I headed to the bathroom and stripped off my performance clothes from the night before. It took me maybe 20 minutes to shower, brush my teeth, and start to get dressed. I heard a crash, then all hell broke loose. Scott's ass had gotten in the room. Harley was screaming at him, beating on his back. He slung her off and she hit the wall, her head bouncing off it. I saw red. I roared and wrapped my hands around his throat, I put him up against the wall, sliding him up a good 3 feet. "Oh God, Danny!!" I heard Harley yell. I looked back, and somehow Scott slipped out of my grip and took off. He was out of the room faster than I could catch him. Harley was holding her head, crying. "Baby you alright?! Harley!" I rushed to her. She crawled across the floor to where Danny was. "What the fuck happened?!" I roared, my voice harsh. Danny jumped and whimpered, curling into himself. I lowered my voice, "Danny you ok bud?" I asked him. He sniffled. "He... He tried to take Harley! He tried to take her! I-I tried to protect her. To stop him!" He whimpered. "You did good buddy, real good." I reassured him. He sat up, pulling his knees to his chest. One hand wiped at his eyes, the other one wrapped around my ankle, hanging on for dear life. I squatted down, and looked at Harley's head. "Angel you ok?" I asked her gently. She nodded, "Danny got hurt because of me." She whispered, stroking his hair back from his face. She sat next to him and they curled up together. Harley held one of my hands, Danny still wrapped around my ankle. I went to move to close the door, but they both tightened their grips, shouting "No!" simultaneously. "Hey, easy. It's alright, I'm just gonna close the door and lock it ok?" I told them. They finally let go of me, wrapping around each other. I closed the door and managed to get them into the beds. Harley in one, Danny in the other. They both looked downright pitiful. I drug an arm chair between the two beds. I turned to Harley and re-checked her head. She insisted she was ok, but I wanted to be sure. Then I turned to Danny and looked over his eye and lip. He'd have a shiner and a fat lip, but he was ok. I breathed deeply, trying to keep the rage at bay. I sat in the chair between the beds, extending my hands, palm up, to both Harley and Danny. They latched onto me like a lifeline. So I sat. I sat, and I gave my woman, and my new friend comfort. I watched over my charges.. And I planned. They both slept soundly, Harley with my jacket in one hand, and holding my hand with her other. And Danny, with both of his hands wrapped around mine. I growled, it's time to end this shit. No one fucks with what's mine. I'm done waiting.

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