Chapter 30:

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Still Brantley's POV:

We made great time in the flight, landing around 2:30am at LAX. I thanked the pilot and he nodded, looking ready to be away from me. I don't blame him, really. By 3:15am, I was striding into the hotel lobby, straight up to the front desk. The guy behind the counter didn't look much bigger than Harely. He was a slim little fella with glasses, and shiny squeaky shoes. "C-can I help you sir?" He squeaked out, backing away slightly as he looked up at me. I paused and took a deep breath, not trying to terrify the poor kid. "Hi, I need Harley Knight's room number please. She knows I'm coming, but I got here faster than expected. So I hate to call her and wake her up." I told him as calmly as I could. There was still enough growl in my voice that he jumped again. "Sir I'm s-sorry. But we can't give that information out." He nearly whispered, looking ready to bolt. I thunked my hands down onto the desk and groaned. He scrambled back. "Hey kid calm down, I understand how it is. I get it. I'm not gonna jump the desk and get ya, alright? What's got you so jumpy?" I asked him. He calmed slightly. "Well, I find you to be an extremely intimidating man, and I guess I'm still shaken up from earlier." He breathed shakily. I crossed my arms over my chest, then paused. Instead, I slid my hands in my pockets, and tried to smile encouragingly. I figured the smaller I looked, the better he'd feel. I tried to look as least aggressive as possible. "What happened earlier kid?" I spoke softly, in the same time I used to console Harley. "Th-there was a man who kept coming in here, insisting to see Ms. Knight. He was intimidating, but not like you. He was sleazy. Slimy. I didn't like him, and I refused to give him any information. I checked Ms. Knight in myself, and she's a very sweet lady. She was nice to me, not many people are." The kid explained, lowering his head at the end. Poor kid was probably bullied. With his slight build, soft voice, and the gay-pride tattoo peeking out of his sleeve, I could imagine that life was sometimes difficult for him. "This man, can you describe him to me?" I asked softly, easing a step closer. He didn't jump this time, that was good. Progress. He nodded shakily. "He wasn't nearly as wide as you, probably around 5'9" or so. Slim. Very nondescript features. He looked vaguely lizard-like." He trailed off. I growled again without realizing it. He jumped. "Easy there bud, what's your name?" I asked gently. "D-Danny, sir." He squeaked, jumpy again. "Alright Danny, it's nice to meet you. My name's Brantley." I kept my tone light, reaching out my hand for him to shake. "I know who you are." He nodded and shook my hand. "Good, then you know what Harley means to me, right?" He nodded again. "Ok Danny, all this stuff that's been in the news lately, the pictures, the videos... That this guy's doing. If he's here, then he's escalating. He contacted Harley earlier today, and she's terrified. Now I need to get to her, I need to make sure that she's alright. I don't know if he intends to hurt her, or what. But it's not a chance I'm willing to take, ok?" I tried to stay calm, but it was difficult. I was standing about 8 foot from the front desk, talking across the lobby with my hands outstretched at my sides. When I got any closer, the kid would freak out. He nodded and went to speak. Before he could, some drunk frat boy came stumbling into the lobby. "Hey look, it's Danny the Tranny!" He shouted, his equally drunk friends approached the desk, making slurs against him. The kid hunkered in on himself, and just stood there shaking like a leaf. "I don't have time for this shit. Hey boy!" I growled, catching the ring leader by the back of his shirt. He spun around ready for a fight, but paused when he saw me. "That's not nice. Apologize to my new friend." I got in his face. "But he's a-" he started. I shook him. Hard. "Finish that sentence, and I'm gonna have to hurt you boy. That's my new friend you're disrespecting. I don't like when people hurt my friends, you get me?" All 6 of them froze in their tracks. Not used to being confronted by a grown ass man. "S-sorry Danny!" He croaked out. I dropped him onto the floor and stepped around him, I moved slowly, not to scare Danny. "You alright bubba?" I Asked. He nodded. "No ones ever stuck up for me before." He whispered as the 6 idiots left the lobby. "Come on." He said, grabbing a key card and coming around the desk. He grabbed onto my wrist with both hands, whether for comfort or to lead me, I'm not sure. But I met him, he still looked a little shaken. When we rounded the corner of the hallway I stopped in my tracks. There were bouquets of flowers, some dead, some alive. Gift boxes, bags. All on the floor in front of room 716. "That's Harley's room!" Danny squeaked, moving behind me. I pushed him more securely behind me and lead the way. When I got to the door, I knocked a few times. Before I could speak I heard Harley scream. "Leave me one! WGet away from me you sick fuck! I hate you! Stop! Go away!" Then she was sobbing. I grabbed the doorframe with both hands, resting my head against it. Danny sniffled behind me, his hand fisted in the back of my tshirt. Well, at least he wasn't scared of me anymore. "Harely? Harely you ok in there?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even. "B-Brantley?!" She sniffled. "Yeah, it's Brantley. I'm here baby. Open up Harley." I barely finished talking before she yanked the door open and launched herself at me. Her legs locked around my waist, her arms around my neck. She sniffled into my shoulder and clung tighter. "Shh... I'm here princess. It's alright now." I soothed her, heading into the room. Danny stood in the hallway, wringing his hands. He looked terrified. I motioned him in. "Come on bubba." He breathed a sigh of relief, rushing into the room and grabbing my free arm. I looked down at the two of them and sighed. Both were sniffling, clinging to me. Harley, I didn't mind. But Danny took some getting used to. I wasn't used to having a man cling to me, it was an odd feeling. I didn't want to pull away from him and scare him again, or worse, hurt his feelings. So I grit my teeth and allowed him to take comfort. I nudged the door closed with my boot and moved to sit on the couch.

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