Chapter 12:

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Brantley's POV

I woke up before the girls did, so I got up and went for a ride to clear my head. I liked being single, didn't I? I mean I didn't have to answer to anyone, I could ride my motorcycles and hang with my buddies whenever I wanted, what's not to like? But then again, Harley wasn't the type to try bossing me around, and she damn sure wouldn't mind my bikes or my buddies. Hell that girl was biker royalty. I kept thinking back to the day I took her out on my bike. She loved it. Harley was laid back and easygoing, not high strung and high maintenance like the other girls I've dated. She didn't care if I cussed too much. She didn't care if messed up her hair. She was just Harley. Sweet, perfect, beautiful Harley. I smiled to myself remembering the way she clings to me in her sleep. As if she were afraid I'd leave. She didn't want diamonds or roses, she didn't want me to wear monkey suits instead of jeans and boots, she didn't want me to hide my tattoos or shave my beard. She liked me for me. This girl's got me twisted. I've always had a commitment phobia, but with Harley? I'm ready, all in, with everything I've got. With that thought, I turned around and hauled ass back to the bus. When I got there, the girls were awake and drinking coffee. I told them both good morning but only got one response. "Someone's in trouble.." Bri singsonged. I raised an eyebrow and she nodded to Harley. I walked over to where she was curled up on the couch and knelt down by her head. "What's wrong honey?" I asked her. She frowned, and her bottom lip poked out in an adorable pout. "You weren't here when I woke up. I reached for you, but you weren't there." She whispered. My heart melted. I stood and moved onto the couch with her. Lying over her and covering her with my body. "I'm sorry angel, I had to clear my head. Had a few things I needed to sort out, so I went for s ride. I'm only ever a phone call away though, ok?" I apologized and kissed her forehead. Her frown lessened, so I took a chance and pecked her lips. Once, twice, three times. Just sweet little kisses to turn the heat up a notch. She gasped and her eyes widened. I smiled at her and she grinned right back at me, wrapping herself around me just like always.

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