Chapter 24:

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Jakob's POV:

I was really glad that Brantley turned out to be a good guy. When I walked out my house, and he got off that bike, the first thing through my mind was 'That's a big sumbitch. It's gonna hurt like hell if he decides to hit me.'. I can hold my own, and intimidate most men, but that boy didn't even blink. Hell, the asshole looked amused. I don't think there's much that rattles Brantley, and I've got to admit, he really is good to Harley. My little girl has never looked this happy. She's had a crush on him for years, but I'm glad to see that it seems to be mutual. He's been doting on her, spoiling her plum rotten. We were sitting around just talking and laughing when the doorbell rang. I opened I and faced up with the mail man. "Package for Jakob Knight. Sign here please." He said and gave me has electronic scan pad to sign. I took the padded envelope and headed back to the living room. I ripped open the top. "Who's that from Pops?" Harley asked. "I don't know. Just says unknown. No return address either." I told her. She tensed and looked to Brantley for help. "Do you think-" she started. "Maybe..." He paused. I pulled out a DVD. It had 'watch me' written in marker on the front. While the two love birds were talking quietly, I loaded it into my laptop. When Harley looked at me, she yelled "Pops no!!" At the same time that Brantley jumped up. Harley jumped on my back, covering my eyes and attempting to cover my ears. She was screeching in my ears trying to block out the sound. "Brantley turn it off!" She hollered. "I'm tryin! It's frozen!" He growled back. "What the hell?! Harley Rae get off me!" I bellowed, trying to shake her loose. She clung tighter. "Daddy!!!" I heard Harley squeal. "What? I'm right here, why you screamin girl?" I asked. "I'm not yellin Pops!" She snarked back, still covering my eyes. "Brantley!" She squawked. "Oh shit.. Harley..." Brantley warned, "it ain't turnin off baby...." Harley cursed under her breath. "DADDY!!!!" I heard. "What damn it?!" I asked her again. "Fuck this, I'll buy you a new one!" I heard before a gunshot rang out. I froze. Harley jumped off my back. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks were bright red. Brantley was standing there with a 9mm in his hand, glaring at my dead laptop. A bullet hole in the center of the screen. Hell, even he was blushing. I looked between them trying to figure out what the hell was going on. "Hang on.. Harley since when do you actually call me daddy? I've been Pops since you could talk.... You've never once called me- Oh son of a bitch! Please tell me that ain't what I think it is. Please tell me I did NOT just hear that shit!" I exploded, realizing that while yes, it was Harley's voice I heard saying it, it wasn't me she was calling Daddy. Everyone froze. "Umm.. Pops you're looking a little green. Maybe you should sit down." Harley guided me to the couch. "Yeah.." I nodded. She went on to explain about the pictures and video situation, and about how the cops weren't doing anything about it. My head spun. "My little girl is having sex. My little girl isn't a virgin anymore." I didn't know whether I wanted to cry or throw up. Or both. "Pops!" Harley screeched. "Sir she's 25 years old, you had to know that. She's had boyfriends before, -" Brantley spoke but I cut him off. "No! No she has not. I made damn sure to run them all off. If anyone would have so much as kissed her, I would know." I groaned, dropping my head in my hands. "Somethin you forgot to tell me darlin?" Brantley asked Harley. An eyebrow quirked up in shock. "Umm... Surprise?" She chuckled nervously. "Jesus baby, why didn't you say anything?!" He asked her. "I didn't want it to be awkward... Like it is now." She groaned, hiding her face in a throw pillow. He mock-growled at her. "You stubborn, hard headed, pint-sized, clueless, crazy as hell, beautiful, incredible, perfect woman. What the hell am I gonna do with you?" He shook his head and scooped her up into his arms, moving the pillow from her face. He sat with her in his lap and kissed her forehead, letting her hide in his chest. I was still feeling a little green around the ears. He looked up at me. "You still like me?" He asked. "Shut up. Don't ever.. Ever mention this moment again. There are somethings a man doesn't need to know about her daughter. The fact that she likes to be spanked and calls her boyfriend Daddy is one of them." I shuddered and stood, leaving the room. Brantley cracked up laughing. "And you owe me a goddamn laptop!" I added as an afterthought, which made him laugh all over again.

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