Chapter 35:

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Danny's POV:

He did it. He actually did it. Brantley hunted Scott down like an animal, tied him up, gagged him, and just tossed him in the back of the truck. I didn't know whether to laugh or be concerned. L.A. traffic was insane as always, so halfway through our trip, Harley hopped over the console and laid down on the floor between the front and back seats. She used Brantley's jacket as a pillow, and I laid down on the seat. We were both small enough to fit comfortably. He took my hand in hers again and I was happy for the contact. "Lucky asses." Brantley snarked from the drivers seat. "What's that babe?" Harley asked him. "If I tried to lay down like that, I'd have feet hanging out the window, my head on the floor, and my torso would probably get stuck in between the seats." He huffed. We laughed along with him. To think, when he first came into the lobby of the hotel, I was terrified of him. After what happened with Scott, I was ready scared as shaken up. Brantley screams Alpha-male, and when he came in, he looked awful determined. He did frighten me, but all the efforts he put into calming me didn't go unnoticed. But now, I really don't want to imagine not having either of them around. They've become like a brother and sister to me. Harley and I were the same age, and we just clicked. Brantley was a little older than me, a lot bigger than me. But I feel safe with him, and that isn't something I've ever felt. Harley turned to me. "Tell me all about yourself honey. I want to know everything." She said. I nodded. "Well.... My full name is Daniel James Grayson. But I prefer Danny. My mom died when I was 11, she had schizophrenia, and it was really bad. She commit suicide in our living room one day, and when I came home from school, there she was. My dad, I never really saw him. He'd pop up every couple years or so, just to say what a complete waste of space I was. I loved with my grandma after that. She was a cruel woman. She'd lock me in the house. She thought being gay meant that I was the devil. At 15, I emancipated myself, started working, moved in to my own place. I have an unusually high IQ, so I finished college quickly. But because of my... We'll call them quirks, no one wanted to hire me." I finished, trying to get my story out as quickly as possible. Harley blinked away a few tears. "Well... You've got family now." Brantley rumbled from the front seat. His hand tightened on the wheel. Harley nodded along with him, still choked up. She reached for me and hugged me tightly. It felt good to tell someone, to have someone care enough about me to want to listen. As we pulled up to the police station, we all hopped out. Brantley dropped the tailgate and grabbed Scott by the foot. Dragging him to the edge, he grabbed a loop in the rope on Scott's back and hoisted him up, carrying the bound man as if he were a suitcase. Harley and I cracked up. "Yall coming or what?" Brantley asked serious. We nodded and walked behind him. He had the file in one arm, and Harley and I grabbed all of the flowers and gifts. When we walked through the doors and up to dispatcher's desk, Brantley dropped Scott onto the floor. "I need to make a report and file charges on this sumbitch right here. Think you could help us with that ma'am?" Brantley asked the woman. "She froze, her mouth opening and closing like a fish a few times. "I umm.... Well... Uhh.... Let me just grab an officer to help you." She stuttered out and went to find someone else to deal with out catastrophe. Scott started thrashing, grunting behind his gag. Brantley cleared his throat loudly and Scott froze. Harley hid a smile and grabbed Brantley's hand. I wanted to reach for him, but I wasn't sure how that would be received. I'm a male. He's a very straight male. So I just tucked my hands in my pockets and ducked my head. Brantley snorted and yanked me next to him. We were hip to hip and he had his hand resting on my shoulder. I sighed happily and tried not to nuzzle into him further.

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