Chapter 3:

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When the flight landed in Atlanta, I was more than ready to get off the plane. I knew my manager would be waiting to bring me to The arena where Brantley's busses were. I collected my things from baggage claim and sure enough, Scott was waiting for me just outside the door. The sleaze that he is, looked me up and down and squinted his eyes at me. He looked like a lizard. Creepy. I groaned and got in the car. 45 minutes later all hell broke loose, I hadn't slept all night, the plane ride was rough. Scott insisted that we not stop on our way to meet Brantley. I needed coffee and food. My blood sugar felt a little low, and I was getting dizzy and lightheaded. "I don't have time for you to act like some privileged little diva, this is a serious tour! Mr. Gilbert is wanting to bring you on as a headliner with him, not an opener." Scott snarked. "I know Scott. Brantley told me, and I'm so far from a diva it's not even funny. I'm just hungry." I huffed. He continued to berate me until we parked and got out of the car. By this point I was feeling sick. My blood sugar was really low, I was dizzy, queasy, and I couldn't focus. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. My head was pounding, and I could barely walk straight. "Everyone is waiting on Gilbert's bus. This way. Pick up the pace Harley, I don't have time for theatrics!" He hissed. I physically recoiled and walked off when he reached for me, which angered him even more. He came up behind me and grabbed a fistful of my hair, he shoved me forward a good 3 steps and I stumbled into something big. Something solid. Something that growled and caught me before I fell. "Mr. Gilbert! I thought you were waiting on the bus for us?" Scott asked sugary sweet. I looked up and saw that Brantley was the one who caught me, and he looked murderous. "For her." He growled. "W-what?" Scott stammered. "I was waiting for her. Not you. You, I don't give a shit about. Don't pretend that I didn't just see that, get on the bus." He spoke lowly. "I don't know what you mean." Scott looked away. "Now!" Brantley growled. Scott jumped and scrambled around us and to the bus. I clung to Brantley as another wave of dizziness hit me, I groaned. "Darlin you alright?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head no. "What's the matter baby? Did that sumbitch hurt you?" I shook my head again. I wobbled on my feet and he steadied me again as he guided me onto his bus. Scott, Brantley's band, and his manager Jeff were all sitting around. I sat at the table and laid my head on the cool surface. Brantley squatted down next to me and rubbed my back. I whimpered and leaned into him. "I'm hungry, and I'm pretty sure my blood sugar is low. Scott wouldn't pull over when he picked me up. He said I was just being a diva. I'm not, I just don't feel good." I sniffled as I spoke quietly. Brantley looked furious, he stood and pointed to everyone in the room. "Get out. Everybody out, now!" He roared. I went to stand. "You stay right where you are angel." He looked at me. I sat back down as he turned to Scott. "PJ, keep an eye on our new friend there will ya buddy?" Brantley asked his driver/security guy. PJ nodded and smirked as he escorted Scott off the bus. After everyone was gone, he grabbed some juice out of the fridge and opened it. He grabbed an apple, a snickers bar, and a bag of chips, and brought it all to me. "We don't have much on the bus, but as soon as you can get your sugar up enough to stand, I'm bringing you to get a real meal. When's the last time you ate baby?" I sipped at the juice slowly and shrugged. "Supper day before yesterday I guess. I slept late and didn't want breakfast yesterday. Then you called, and I just focused on packing and getting out here. I guess I forgot." I sniffled and took a small bite of the snickers. "Jesus Harley!" Brantley exclaimed. "I'm sorry." I looked down. Brantley shook his head. "Don't apologize sweet girl, jut promise you'll start taking better care of yourself, alright?" He asked softly. I nodded. Before I could stop him he scooped me up and grabbed my juice and snickers. He walked across the bus to his recliner and sat with me in his lap. "Eat." He commanded. I nodded and took another bite of the candy bar as I snuggled further into his chest.

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