Chapter 37:

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Still Brantley's POV:

Harley and Danny came back over and Danny sat. Harley looked at me worriedly, her arms wrapped around herself. "Brantley what's going on? Is something wrong?" She asked me. I tugged her into my lap. "You might as well tell her buddy." I told the officer. He explained to Harley and Danny what he had just told me about Scott, and Harley gasped. Her fingers tightening in my tshirt. Danny reached out and held her free hand in his. "Shh.. It's alright baby, he locked in the cell, remember? I won't let him anywhere near you." I calmed her. She sniffled. "All the times we were alone. All the times we flew together or roomed together for shows. Oh my God." She began to get hysterical. Danny was starting to get fidgety as well, since we'd met him, he latched onto Harley. When she was upset, he was upset. "Ma'am, did that man ever touch you? Inappropriately?" The officer asked. I froze, my body going tense. I grit my teeth and steeled my nerves for her answer. "Ms. Knight?" He asked again. "NO! That sorry piece of shit never touched me. He tried to kiss me once, but my dad scared the hell out of him. Fuckin pussy!" Harley answered vehemently. She growled in the direction of Scott's cell. He hissed at her. "I'm kind of wishing I would've let Brantley beat the shit out of you before we brought you in!" She yelled, jumping to her feet. I stood and stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "Hardly settle down angel, and you.." I looked to Scott, "you sit down and shut up." I growled. "Or what you no-good-" he shut up quick when I took two steps towards him, cowering back in the corner of his cell. By this point, Danny had his head down, slightly rocking back and forth in his chair. "He was going to hurt Harley. H-he can't! He can't hurt her. No!" He whined in a high pitched tone. "He's next! That pathetic little fa-" I cut him off. "Hey! Open that cell..." I roared and stormed over. It took 3 officer to stop me. "No! Keep him away from me!" Scott shrieked. I grinned at him, wrapping my hands around the bars of his cell. "Either you stop talking, and sit here quietly, or I'm coming in there..." I warned before I stepped back to where Danny was. Harley was trying to comfort him, but it wasn't working. He was nearly frantic. I squatted down so I was eye level with him, taking his head in my hands. I made him lock eyes with me. "Danny I'm here. Ok? Harley is fine, and so are you. I won't let him hurt either of you, alright?" He blinked at me. "You trust me kid?" I asked him. He nodded jerkily. "I'm here. I won't let anything hurt either of you. Trust that, ok?" He nodded again and sniffled. "Okay B-Brantley." He whispered. I nodded and patted his back. Harley went to him again and this time he let her, she took his hand and he curled into her.

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