Chapter 21:

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Brantley's POV:

I sent Jeff to get Harley, I was done trying to avoid the topic. It seems as though those pictures and that video went viral, so why not just own up to it? I saw when Harley got to the side of the stage. Her eyes were wide. She was either gonna find this funny, or she'd be mad as hell. Either way, it was too late to go back now. The still shot Wendy showed on our interview, my head between Harley's legs, was up on the screen behind me. The crowd was going crazy. The band knew what I had planned, and they started the instrumentals for me.
"Now I'm gonna just embrace all this. Some little shit is gettin his kicks, that's alright, eventually I'm gon' find you boy. But for now, I'll just use this to do some education. We gonna take it back, way back. Back to Ms. Denise Lasalle...
This one goes out to all the men out there, who just don't know how to make their woman happy...

Now some men think the height of a woman's pleasure, is when you're kissin her on the lips. And some men think the joy of foreplay, is caressin with your fingertips. And some men think a couple chest kisses, is the answer to every woman's dream. But let me tell ya how to kiss her, if you really wanna hear her scream....
You're makin her feel good, but you can make her feel better, if you treat your woman like a stamp and a letter!
Lick it, before you stick it... You better lick it, before you stick it. Aww yeah lick it, before you stick it. Come on now lick it, before you stick it!
Now all y'all fellas sittin out there laughing, let me tell ya this ain't no staged joke. If you really wanna please her.. Just find that little man in the boat! You can tease it, gently squeeze it, massage it with your fingertips. But sorry boys, it just ain't over, until you take it between your lips.
You're makin her feel good, but you can make her feel better, if you treat your woman like a stamp and a letter!
Lick it, before you stick it... You better lick it, before you stick it. Aww yeah lick it, before you stick it. Come on now lick it, before you stick it!"

The band played the instrumentals, and the video on the screen played. The sound was muted, but the motions were there. During the pause in vocals, I did something crude with my fingers and tongue. Making a V shape with my index and middle fingers, then wiggling my tongue between them. The crowd ate it up, making me laugh. Harley broke free from Jeff's grip and ran out onto the stage. She wrapped her little hands around my wrist and yanked my hand away from my mouth. Her cheeks bright red. "Brantley no! Put your tongue back in your mouth! Stop that! Brantley!" She squealed, swatting at my chest. I laughed harder when the mic picked her up and the crowd roared again. She turned her back and I caught her around the waist, thrusting my hips into hers, imitating a much more intimate moment. She yelled and slapped at me again, so being the ham that I am, I spun her around, dropped to my knees, grabbed her by the ass, and yanked her forward. She scrambled back. "BRANTLEY KEITH! Oh my God! No! Behave, quit that! Daddy stop that! Hey!" She squawked out. Yelping when I slapped her ass one good time. I stood and kissed her hotly. "I'll behave Momma..." I smirked. She shook her head and stomped off stage, grumbling the whole time. I couldn't stop laughing, grinning like a fool.

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