Hiding Under The Sticks

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Sticks wonders through the woods carrying a basket and is picking berries and looks at them with suspicion.

Sticks: Hmmm, weird coloring on this one. Wonder what it smells like.

Sticks sniffs the berry and looks at it for a few moments before tossing it away. Sticks proceeds to grab a couple more berries, look at them and sniff them, and put them in her basket. Sticks walks through the woods until she sees a huge tree with a bunch if apples hanging off of it's branches. Sticks stares at them for a moment as a memory plays in her mind.

(8 years ago)

???: Come on Sticks, you can reach it!!

An adult badger woman is holding a young Sticks up in the air as Sticks is trying to grab an apple. The older woman gets on the tips of her toes and Sticks finally grabs the apple. Sticks smiles widens with bliss.

Sticks: I GOT IT MOM!!!

Sticks' mom lowers Sticks to her chest and smiles at Sticks.

???: Good job!! And it looks like it's a fresh one too!

Sticks giggles as she takes a bite out of the apple. Sticks' mom smiles warmly at her daughter.

???2: Branch!! Sticks!!

Branch turns around to see an adult male badger panically rushing towards them. Branch sets down Sticks and looks at the man with a look of worry.

Branch: What's wrong Woody? Did he try to break free?!

Woody shakes his head as he puts both his hands on her shoulders as he sighs in relief.

Woody: No, he's still in his slumber state. I was worried you were found out is all.

Branch rolls her eyes and grabs both of Woody's hands and gently takes them off her shoulders.

Branch: We're fine sweetie, no one has seen us. No one will find us out here, trust me.

Woody sighs and nods.

Woody: You're right. It's just that, what if-

Sticks: Daddy look!!

Woody looks down and sees Sticks holding up the apple she took a bite out of and smiles.

Sticks: Me and Mommy found it!!

Woody smiles as he goes and grabs Sticks and lifts her into his arms.

Woody: Oh really? My jungle beast found an apple?

Sticks nods enthusiastically.

Woody: Wow, you might be a better scavenger then me Sticks!

Sticks smiles and puffs out her chest.

Sticks: Don't worry Dad, I'll find food for us so you don't have to worry anymore!!

Woody and Branch look at each other and both smile and shake their heads as they start walking.

Woody: Of course Sticks, there's no doubt about that.

(Present day)

Sticks shakes her head and returns to the present. She then proceeds to climb the tree and starts plucking the apples out of the tree and climbs back down once she's done. Sticks looks in her basket and looks at all the fruit and nuts she has and nods.

Sticks: Good enough.

Sticks then runs back to her tree and opens her door, making sure no one has followed her. Sticks enters when she's certain she's alone and sighs as she set her basket on a table. As Sticks is about to take a fruit out of the basket, she feels her tree start to rumble. Sticks eyes widen in panic and she turns to the bookcase.

Sticks: No!

Sticks quickly runs to the bookcase and pulls on a book, which suddenly opens the bookcase to reveal an ancient elevator. Sticks enters the elevator and presses a button. The elevator shifts as it goes down beneath the house. Sticks impatiently taps her foot when the elevator stops moving. Sticks quickly exits the elevator and enters an open rooms with a metal cage in the center and a control panel next to the cage. Sticks quickly rushes towards the panel and proceeds to press some buttons on the panel. As Sticks presses the last button, an electrical current runs through the cage, causing a roar of pain  to be unleashed from inside the cage. Sticks quickly backs away from the cage, trying to calm her breathing. As the electrical current stops, a 3 clawed metallic hand grasps the bars of the cage as two yellow snake like eyes appear from the shadows of the cage.

???: Welcome back, little badger.

Sticks starts to shake with fear.

Sticks: A-a-again?! You d-d-did this to get my att-t-tention?!

A chuckles escapes from the cage.

???: Alwaysss my dear. I get ssssooooooo lonely down here. You know, you don't need to live in sssssuch fear. Jussssst let me go.

Sticks grips her fists and quickly turns away and heads back to elevator.

Sticks: After all you've done?! No, you're going to be stuck in that cage forever!!!

???: Hahahahaha, oh my dear Ssssstickssss, I'll get free. And when I do-

Sticks enters the elevator and presses the button to go up.

???: I'll have my revenge! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

As Sticks heads back up to the surface, Sticks starts panting heavily as sweat drops down her face, body shaking, fear in her eyes as she continues to hear the laugh. Sticks closes her eyes and grips her arms tightly and starts muttering.

Sticks: Just stop, just stop, just stop, just stop. Please, just let this end.


Oh yeah, we're doing Sticks' story. You all thought she was just a fun little side character huh? I'm excited to start writing this one, especially since it'll be a bit different from the other arcs. You'll see next chapter. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.

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