The Artificial Growth Of Humanity In One Nicole

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Sally is sifting through data and video files of the past adventures Nicole has gone on with Sonic and the others while her left arm is in a sling. She nods as she sees Sonic saving Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla from a RoboSeeker.

Sally: Gotta say, for a rookie he's pretty good. Though he has a lousy track record.

Nicole: I believe he is too emotional.

Sally turns back to see Nicole floating in a circular tube glowing lime green with eyes pure white. Sally smiles and shrugs.

Sally: Sometimes emotions are a good thing Nic. Logic doesn't always win you the fight.

Nicole: Maybe so, but logic is usually the right answer.

Sally watches a video of Sonic touching the Master Emerald.

Sally: Maybe so, but this Sonic is definitely a guy who runs on emotion. Just touched a magic rock without thinking of the consequences. Reckless kid.

Nicole: But skilled.

Sally: Never said he wasn't. Say, speaking of emotions, what're your feelings on this team you got?

Nicole: I... don't follow?

Sally: Do you like your teammates? Do you think you gel well together? Do you like your teammates? Those feelings.

Nicole is quiet for a little bit before responding.

Nicole: We are an adequate team. We work well enough to where we won't get in each other's way but we don't have a strong leadership role.

Sally: And your teammates? How do you feel about them?

Nicole: Miles is a genius when it comes to technology but he does seem to let others guide him too easily. Knuckles is a strong and well trained fighter but gets too angry and loves the challenge. Sonic.... is reckless, irresponsible, and illogical. His speed is his only good asset.

Sally smirks while nodding.

Sally: So do you think Sonic should be kicked off the team?

Nicole ponders that question for awhile before answering.

Nicole: ... No. I believe I don't want that.

Sally: You don't... want that? That doesn't sound logical Nicole.

Nicole: On the contrary, it is extremely logical. Without Sonic, there would be no team.

Sally: Explain in further detail.

Nicole: While me and Miles were already apart of Skyline thanks to you, we weren't allowed to leave.

Sally: Because Miles was too young and you were just getting used to your body.

Nicole: Affirmative, but when Eggman brought in Sonic, he immediately made us a team.

Sally: Which I do find weird that he never mentioned Sonic before.

Nicole: I believe he met him that very day.

Sally looks at the video of the day Sonic, Tails, and Nicole became a team.

Sally: Did he?...

Nicole: Yes. Without Eggman meeting Sonic, this team wouldn't be formed. And without Sonic, Knuckles wouldn't be here either. In fact, I believe he is the glue that holds us together.

Sally nods and looks back at Nicole.

Sally: True. But do you want him gone? No logic behind the reason, just your feeling of the answer. Yes or no?

Nicole: ... No.

Sally: Why?

Nicole: Because... he makes life fun, I believe.

Sally smiles warmly.

Sally: I think you're growing Nicole.

Nicole: Am I?

Sally nods and returns to looking at the data and videos while Nicole thinks about her latest experiences with Sonic and the others.

(At Eggman's Office)

Eggman is sitting behind his desk as he lifts up a phone. He waits a few seconds before he hear someone answers.

???: Hello? Whom am I speaking to?

Eggman: It's me Abraham. It's Eggman.

Abraham: Ivo? Well, this is rare. You never call, only visit randomly. What can G.U.N do for you doctor?

Eggman: I need to know the condition of Location SA2.

There is a long pause before Abraham speaks again.

Abraham: Ivo... I thought we'd discussed that we would never talk about that place again?

Eggman: I'm just... being paranoid Towers. The RoboEmperor has me on edge.

Abraham: He has all of us on edge. Just sucks we can't help the Mobians due to our treaty.

Eggman: And that's why I'm up here Abraham, but I need to know. Please, you know what's there, and what horrors can happen if he's been released.

Another long pause from Abraham until Eggman hears him sigh.

Abraham: I'll check up on it and call you back later Ok?

Eggman: That's all I want Abraham. Thank you old friend.

Abraham: No problem. I'll call you later Ivo, goodbye.

Eggman: Goodbye Abraham.

Eggman hangs up and looks out the window to the vast sky.

Eggman: Please let the past stay buried with her.


Apologies for the reupload/slight rewrite, I wrote the first upload on my laptop and went back to my phone while my phone had a previous draft. That's on me. But hey, next chapter will begin the newest arc, so look forward to the next chapter. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.

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