Roaring Wave

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Tails fires a couple of shots from his arm cannon but Wave quickly dodges and rises into the sky and Tails and Nicole follows from behind.

Nicole: She's faster then us when she's on that board.

Tails: Yeah, I see that.

Wave then does a 180° flip back towards Tails and Nicole and start blasting at them with her rifle. Nicole throws up some shields and blocks the blasts but the two quickly move as Wave draws nears. Wave swings both of her rifle and wrench at Tails and Nicole. Tails parries the wrench with his arm cannon and Nicole throws up a shield and blocks the rifle. Tails and Nicole lands back onto the airship as Wave floats a few feet above the ship.

Wave: Look at you, trying so hard to prove yourself. There's no way you can beat us, so just give up.

Tails grips his arm cannon and stares down Wave.

Tails: Sorry, not an option.

Wave: Tch, fine. Have it your way.

Wave jumps off of the Extreme Gear towards Tails as the board flies straight at Nicole. Nicole raises a shield to block the board as Wave swings down her wrench at Tails. Tails jumps back and the wrench misses, but Tails' eyes widen as he sees Wave pointing her rifle at Nicole with a sadistic grin.

Tails: NICOLE!!!

Nicole turns just in time to see Wave pull the trigger as a beam of energy hits Nicole, causing Nicole to fall to the ground. Tails quickly tries to rush towards Nicole but Wave swings her wrench at Tails and hits him in the head, cracking his goggles and sending him flying and tumbling on the metal ship. Wave smirks as she hops back on her board. Tails staggers onto his feet and turns to look at Nicole, who is laying on the ship unconscious Tails looks at Wave with pure anger.

Tails: Why do you hurt people?! WHY ARR YOU DOING THIS?!

Wave: Why? Because the world is evil and we have to be mean to survive it. Because the strong survive, and the weak die. That is how the world works, and that's how it will always be.

Tails grits his teeth and tightens his fist as a memory plays in his mind.

(2 years ago)

Tails is sitting in a chair as he watches Sally take down two training robots. Sally swings her sword into one robots head and jumps off of it and slams into the other one using her shield and summons a new sword and stabs the sword into the robot's head. Sally sighs as she takes the blade out of the robots head and looks at Tails.

Sally: How was that Miles?

Tails: G-good Aunt Sally! Better time then last time!!

Sally smirks and nods as she twirls the sword in her hand.

Sally: Good, I'm improving.

Tails looks down at his hands fiddles with his thumbs.

Tails: Hey Aunt Sally, can I ask you question?

Sally looks at Tails and an eyebrow perks up.

Sally: Of course Miles. Ask me anything, and I'll answer the best I can.

Tails: Why do people hurt each other?

Sally pauses for a moment and sighs and walks towards Tails and gets on a knee and grabs his shoulder. Tails looks up and sees Sally smile warmly.

Sally: Cause some people are cruel. And sadly, alot of people are cruel.

Tails: Does that make the world cruel?

Sally shakes her head.

Sally: No. The world is wild and chaotic, but it doesn't mean that it's cruel. We shape the world in our own image, so we can make it kind.

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