Babylon Aftermath

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A ring portal appears and Eggman steps onto the airship of the Babylonians and looks to see a bunch of G.U.N soldiers on the scene grabbing a bunch of Babylonian soldiers and putting them in cuffs. Eggman looks around for a moment before he sees Abraham and walks towards him. Abraham looks up and nods at Eggman.

Abraham: Ivo! Glad you could make it.

Eggman: It's my team that did this, so of course I'll be here. So, who did they defeat?

Abraham: The Babylon Empire.

Eggman eyebrows widen in shock.

Eggman: The Babylonians?! That's who Sonic and his team dealt with?

Abraham: Heh, more like demolished. Gotta say, you picked a good team.

Eggman: *chuckles* At this point, I don't choose.

Abraham: Well, they did a good thing here. G.U.N have been trying to find a way to attain them but since they aren't technically in our jurisdiction, we couldn't do anything.

Eggman: But since Skyline is an ally to G.U.N, this gives you an excuse to detain them.

Abraham: Correct.

Grand Kukku: UNHAND ME YOU APES!!!

Eggman and Abraham turn and see Grand Kukku being dragged to one of the G.U.N ships but he's struggling.


Eggman: Abraham-

Abraham: I know. After he's secured you can talk to him.

Eggman nods graciously.

Eggman: Thank you. Now, where's my team?

Abraham points to the side and Eggman turns and sees Sonic, Tails, Nicole, Knuckles, and Shadow all sitting down talking to each other. Eggman smiles at them and breathes a sigh of relief.

Eggman: Next time Abraham.

Abraham: A better time Ivo.

Eggman nods and walks towards the five Mobians. As Eggman gets closer, the five notice his approach and get up to meet him. Eggman gives them a beaming smile.

Eggman: Well, you've been a busy lot. Toppling an empire? Pretty sure that wasn't why I sent you out here.

Shadow: Hmph, it wasn't that hard. All it took was a little bit of teamwork.

Knuckles: Oh really?

Shadow: Oh shut up Dreads.

Tails: Anyways, they attacked us first. It was more of a self defense situation really.

Eggman: They attacked you? For what reason?

Sonic is about to say something witty but turns and sees Jet being out on a G.U.N ship and the two lock eyes, Jet's filled with rage. Sonic sighs and pulls out the emerald. Eggman looks at the emerald and nods slowly.

Eggman: Oh... I see. Well, at least they didn't take it, so you-

Sonic: They did Doc.

Eggman: ... What do you mean?

Sonic: They attacked Metal City to get the emerald and I.... I was defeated. They took the emerald. You were right Doc.

Sonic hands the emerald towards Eggman with his head hung low.

Sonic: I shouldn't have the emerald. Take it.

The others stare at Sonic with shock while Eggman stare at Sonkc for a long time, tightening his grip on his cane. Eggman then sighs and shakes his head.

Eggman: You got it back didn't you?

Sonic perks up with a confused look on his face.

Sonic: Huh?

Eggman: I said, you got it back didn't you? It's in your hand right now correct?

Sonic: Y-yeah but-

Eggman raises a hand with a warm smile on his face.

Eggman: No buts, you proved yourself today. You may have lost the emerald but you got it backed. That's all that matters. You did good Sonic.

Sonic's eyes start to get a little teary but Sonic wipes them away and smiles brightly.

Sonic: Thank you Doc!!! I promise it won't happen again!!!

Eggman: I know. Now head on back home, I have a few more things to discuss with Abraham.

The five heroes nod at Eggman and head towards the Tornado. Tails raises a hand towards Sonic and Sonic high fives Tails.

Tails: Good job Sonic! You get to keep the emerald!

Sonic: Yeah well, I think I'm going to keep the use of it to a minimum. Don't want to overuse it right?

Nicole: Very wise decision Sonic.

Sonic smirks.

Sonic: Thanks Nic, I thought so myself.

Knuckles puts an arm around Shadow and smirks.

Knuckles: And let's not forget that Shadow has now opened up a bit and learned to be a team player. We're proud of you Stripes.

Shadow rolls his eyes with a small smile on his face while Sonic looks at him with confusion.

Sonic: Wait.... you weren't already a team player?

The others stare at Sonic for a moment and then all laugh.

Sonic: Wait guys, I'm serious!!

(At a prison site)

Grand Kukku is in a cell doing a couple a push ups when he sees someone standing infront of his cell. Grand Kukku sighs and stands up to see Eggman silhouetted by shadows.

Grand Kukku: You must be the infamous Dr. Eggman I've heard so much about. What do you want?

Eggman: I want to know things.

Grand Kukku: Pfft, like what? What could a human possibly want to know?

Eggman: I want to know the history of your clan, the other four major clans, the Zeti race, and especially what you know of Chaos and his emeralds. Talk, and I might make your time here nicer.

Grand Kukku chuckles and shakes his head.

Grand Kukku: If that's all you're offering then I don't think so.

Eggman: I'll let you see your son.

Grand Kukku: You would?

Eggman: An hour everyday, I promise. Now then-

Eggman reaches out a hand through the bars, a wide smile being shown through the shadows.

Eggman: Do we have a deal?!


So we've reached the finale of the Babylon Arc, and I had fun. Next chapter might be a bio chapter, I'm iffy about that since the next arc won't have that many new characters being introduced (technically 1 new character, but 2 major characters to have bios) but I might do those two for the arc after bio. Idk, maybe I won't do them anymkre since that's all you guys care about really (I kid). But the next arc is something I've been setting up since after the Mammoth Mogul arc, so I hope you all are ready. Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.

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