The Ultimate Lifeform pt 2 (Shadow Arc Finale)

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(25 years ago)

Maria: Sooooooo, what's the gameplan for today?

Maria and Shadow are walking down a hallway, exlporing the base.

Shadow: Hmmm, we haven't truly checked out the cryopod room, so we can explore there.

Maria: Sure, sounds like a plan.

Shadow notices Maria's face start to droop a little.

Shadow: Everything ok? You've been seeming a bit down lately.

Maria shakes her head and puts on a fake smile.

Maria: I'm totally ok Shadow. Don't you worry about me.

Shadow: Maria, I'm your best friend. It's in my job description to worry about you. Just tell me what's wrong.

Maria stares at Shadow for a bit and then tears start to slowly form.

Maria: I... I don't got long Shadow.

Shadow's face turns to a look shock and confusion.

Shadow: Wh.... what do you mean? G-gerald said that tests were going-

Maria: I overheard him talking to Ivo and Julien. My body would reject the Chaos energy and make my disease worse.

Shadow takes a step back and takes a deep breath and then punches the wall in pure anger, creating a dent into the wall. Maria sees Shadow shake uncontrollably. She reaches out slowly towards Shadow.

Shadow: How long?

Maria hears the tears in his voice as he asked. Maria retracts her hand.

Maria: 3 months, maybe less.

Shadow sighs and wipes the tears away as he turns to face Maria.

Shadow: Ok... ok! What do you want to do? Where do you want to go?

Maria looks at him in surprise.

Maria: Shadow, I can't-

Shadow: Screw that!! You got 3 months? Let's make the most of that. I'll take you anywhere you want to go, no matter what!!!

Maria: You would?

Shadow: Of course. If I can't cure your disease, then I'll bring you the happiness you deserve!

Maria smiles as tears start to fall.

Maria: Thank you Shadow, that means so much to me.

Shadow nods and points down the hall.

Shadow: Then let's go.

Maria: Now?!

Shadow: What better time to do this?

Maria: Ok!

The two begin to run as they suddenly hit a wall. The two look up to see a younger Abraham Towers wearing a basic G.U.N combat uniform. He smiles and shakes his head as he licks the two up.

Abraham: So, what're you two troublemakers doing now? Stealing ice cream again?

Maria: N-n-no!!

Abraham: *chuckles* Ok ok, I'm not gonna turn you in. Just try not to get into any trouble ok? Your gramps worries enough as is.

Shadow and Maria look at each, giving each other a knowing look.

Shadow: Right, we won't.

Maria: Yep!

Abraham looks between the two and sighs.

Abraham: You two suck at keeping secrets. What're you two planning?!

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