Raging Storm

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Shadow kicks a soldier and sends the soldier flying into a wall while Knuckles drops an unconscious body to the ground and nods at Shadow.

Knuckles: Not really a challenge, are they?

Shadow smirks teasingly.

Shadow: Oh, I don't know about that Dreads, they seem to be on par with you.

Knuckles rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.

Knuckles: Hardy har har Stripes. Funny joke.

Shadow: Who said I was joking?

Knuckles: Oh, shut up. We got a room at the end of the hallway.

Knuckles points to a metal door. Shadow cracks his knuckles as he summons his spear.

Shadow: You think he's there?

Knuckles: Maybe, but we shouldn't let our guards down.

Shadow: Right.

The two walk forward, open the door and enter the room. The two see a mostly empty hanger and inside the room the two see Storm smiling smuggly with his arms crossed.

Storm: So, you two want a round 3 huh? Eager for another beating?!

Knuckles: Sorry for disappointing you, but you're the one who'll be getting a beating.

Shadow points his spear at Storm.

Shadow: You can surrender now, or else we'll do this the hard way.

Storm laughs hysterically and gets into a fighting stance with a wicked grin on his face.

Storm: Try it boys!!!

Knuckles quickly charges at Storm and swings a fist at Storm's face but Storm easily catches and grins when Shadow appears from the otherside and thrusts his spear towards Storm's head, but Storm leans away from the spear and tosses Knuckles into Shadow, sending the two flying. Storm walks towards them cracking his neck.

Storm: Ok, that was some good shots. You definitely got better.

Storm jumps into the air as the two slowly get to a knee. Storm raises both fists in the air.


Storm falls towards them as he swings his fists down. Shadow and Knuckles quickly roll out of the way as Storm collides with the ground, causing a crater to form beneath him and a shockwave to emanate from the collision. Shadow and Knuckles get to their feet as Storm stands straight and rolls his shoulders. Knuckles quickly rushes at Storm as Shadow thrusts his spear at the same time. Storm smirks and jumps backwards as Shadow's and Knuckles' attacks are about to collide. Knuckles quickly sidesteps out of the way of the spear and swings a fist at Storm, hitting Storm in the face, sending Storm flying into a wall. Knuckles and Shadow stand next to each other as Storm gets back to his feet and wipe his beak and smirks.

Storm: Guess making you hurt each other again won't work?

Shadow: No. Not again.

Knuckles: Regret not taking the easy way?

Storm cackles maniacally.

Storm: I thought this was the easy way!!

Storm then flies straight at the two, grabbing their faces and slamming them into the ground. Storm then proceeds to drag the two across the ground for a bit and then tosses them across the room. Shadow and Knuckles tumble across the room and slid to a halt as the slam against a wall. Shadow stumbles to his feet and grunts in pain. Shadow grips his fists and stares at Storm as he's walking towards him. Shadow looks towards Knuckles and sees Knuckles slowly getting up. Shadow sighs and summons a spear and starts throwing a bunch of spears at Storm. Storm swiftly dodges each spear and starts charging at Shadow. Shadow summons a spear and rushes at Storm and swings his spear at Storm's head. Storm raises and arm and blocks the spear, grabbing the spearhead and lifting Shadow with the spear into the air and slamming Shadow into the ground. Shadow gasps in pain as he hits the ground. Storm puts a foot on Shadow's chest and applies pressure.

Storm: You really thought you could stop me? Are you dumb?

Shadow: Yeah well, I tried my best. I did succeed in one thing.

Storm: Heh, and what's that?

Shadow: Distracting you.

Storm: Wha-

Suddenly, a fist hits Storm's face, sending him flying straight into a wall. Shadow let's out a gasp of air as Knuckles reaches out a hand.

Knuckles: Need a hand?

Shadow chuckles as he grabs Knuckles' hand and Knuckles lifts up Shadow to his feet.

Shadow: Sure took your sweet time Dreads.

Knuckles: Would you rather I just let him squish you?!

Shadow: Pfft, I would've been fine.

Knuckles rolls his eyes in amusment.

Knuckles: Yeah yeah, whatever you say.

The two then see Storm stumble out of the wall and look at them with pure malice.

Storm: You think you've beat me?! Because you got a lucky punch?! YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME!!! I'll still beat you like I did in Metal City!!!

Knuckles and Shadow look at each other and laugh, which causes Storm to get even more mad.


In a flash, Knuckles and Shadow blitz towards Storm, Knuckles throwing a jab and Shadow swinging his spear. Storm barely has time to process as the two heroes start hitting Storm in quick concession, not allowing Storm to get a moment's rest. Storm tries getting some swings, but both Shadow and Knuckles block any attempt to hit them. Storm then stomps on the ground, causing a shockwave that pushes back both Shadow and Knuckles. Storm quickly rushes at Shadow and swings both his fist at Shadow but Shadow raises his spear up and blocks both fists. Storm then grabs the spear's shaft and starts pushing Shadow back. Shadow let's one hand go and summons another spear and tosses it far away from Storm, causing Storm to laugh.

Storm: YOU MISSED!!!

Shadow: Who said I was aiming at you?!

Storm's eyes widen and he turns to see Knuckles swing the spear like a bat at Storm and as the spear hit Storm's side, Storm is sent flying. Knuckles hands Shadow the spear and Shadow grabs the other spear and twirls both spears in his hands as Knuckles cracks his knuckles. Storm gets up and he starts panting widly in rage.


Shadow smirks.

Shadow: I don't know, have you tried counting your opponents?

Knuckles: Two against one isn't really good odds.

Storm: I beag you once!!! I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!!

Storm charges at the two but Shadow tosses one of his spears at Storm, but Storm just hits the spear and tosses the spear to the side. As Storm gets closer, both Shadow and Knuckles raises their fists and rear them back.

Knuckles: No.

Shadow: You won't.

Both Shadow and Knuckles then swing their fists at Storm, colliding into Storm's face and sending him flying into a wall and falling limp onto the ground. Shadow sighs as he falls to the ground on his butt and Knuckles wipes some sweat off his forehead. Knuckles looks at Shadow and smirks.

Knuckles: See Stripes? Told you teamwork works.

Shadow rolls his eyes wjth a smile on his face.

Shadow: Yeah well, don't expect me to be all buddy buddy with you from now on.

Knuckles: Of course, why would you?

The two chuckle as they just sit and catch their breath and bask in their victory.


Sonic walks towards two big metal doors and sighs.

Sonic: Here goes nothing.

Sonic opens the two doors and enters to see Jet sitting on the throne wuth a small blue tornado twirling through his fingers. Jet looks up and sees Sonic and smiles.

Jet: Well, look who finally decided to show up!

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