Chapter 68

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Chris pov...

I watch as Kate is doing a happy dance in the seat at the restaurant. She was still reading the menu to see what they had for dessert... She had just ordered lasagna with the biggest smile on her face... Walking through the doors of the restaurant was weird... But in a good way... We had to wait a few minutes before being seated but it is all worth it... The memories flooded back as we looked around. This place had not changed one bit. 

All happy memories... We spend so many nights here in a booth being way to affectioned for a public place... But we were so in love that we didn't care or maybe just were not aware of how we were acting... Young and in love... I look at Kate who is smiling from ear to ear... "Wanna tell me what you are thinking?" She asks me and i chuckle... "Just so many memories..." I say taking a deep breath and i didn't know it was possible, but her smile got even bigger. 

I look around and sigh because one thing definitely had changed... People are looking at me, whispering and i swear i see someone taking pictures... It is hard but i am not going to let it spoil my night... I focus back on Kate who is waving at a little kid that is waving at her. "Isn't she adorable..." Kate says still waving at the little girl. I look over and smile the little girl gets shy and hides away in her mom but still giggling... "You know that is going to be us soon..." I say and Kate smiles... 

The rest of the night was amazing. The food was still like i remembered. Kate was over the moon with her food and i could not help but have the biggest smile on face watching her eat. I have to admit that i have never loved anyone as much as i do her... I tried to move on after her, but no one came close... And now... Now we are going to have a baby. I wish it had not taken this long and that i had not caused so much hurt... If i had just been man enough, she would have not gone through everything she has now and part of me will always feel guilty about it. But as Kate always says, we can't change the past... We can only do better in the future... Those words are ringing in my head... The future... A better future... There is only one thing missing... A ring... A ring around her finger... But i dont know if she is ready for that... But maybe i should go shopping for it in case she is... I mean... I dont have to ask her right away... I can at least afford a better ring this time around. 

During dinner we talked about the future. About our kid... About names... We agreed on a few names... If it was a boy, we both liked Ben... For a girl we had a few options... Clair, Sophie and Ashley... We dont know why but for a girl we had more trouble... We were not sure... If it was a boy, it would definitely be Ben... For a girl we were still discussing it... I liked Sophie... Clair was definitely not my favorite and Ashley was a maybe for me. Kate liked the name Ashley a lot but i dont know... To me it just did not sound right... Maybe we should figure out the gender first so we could decide on a final name... It was fun to talk about it tho... 

After dessert we took a little walk around. It was nice to have her tucked into me and strolling around. But Kate was tired so after walking for 30 minutes i guided her back to the car and we went home. It had been an eventful day. We had picked out a nursery. It was going to be amazing. We bought the car seat i wanted, a stroller and pretty much everything you need for a baby... Everything in neutral colors as we did not know if we would have a boy or a girl. Kate did not want blue or pink anyway. It is going to be a beautiful nursery... It would be delivered next week and i was going to try and put it together myself... I dont know why but i just wanted to... I liked the idea... Kate had laughed when i told her i was going to do it myself. I understood why... I am not the handiest guy... But i am determined. 

Kate was struggling to stay awake on the drive home. It was adorable to see her nod off... I had helped her inside and after she got greeted by Dodger i took him on a walk. Only to come back to her asleep on the couch. I had carried her to bed without waking her up... I had tried my best to undress her, but she was not helping, and it made me chuckle as she was out, out.... I had managed to pull of her shoes and pants but getting her t-shirt of was a big no... So, i had tucked her in and locked up the house.

When i came back into the bedroom i wanted to put her phone on the charger when i saw 3 missed calls on the screen... I wanted to see if the where from Tara or something. Or if they were important but they were all anonymous... I was confused. Kate had not looked at her phone while we were out. I wondered who it could be... I could not help but check and saw 23 more missed anonymous calls over the last 2 weeks... None of them got answered... She had not told me about them... I made a mental note to ask her about them tomorrow... I know it probably was not right to check her phone, but something felt off... 

I put the phone on the charger and got undressed before slipping into bed. I smiled as Kate gravitated towards me in her sleep and wrapped herself around me. I love it... I love her wrapped around me as if i am her pregnancy pillow. She had them all and some nights she used them but most nights she just wanted to cuddle up to me. 

I settled in and pulled her a little closer... I feel my body relax and i quickly drift off to sleep. 

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