Chapter 45

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Chris pov...

I smile as I get hugged from behind while making breakfast. 2 weeks had past and Kate is doing so much better... Tara had been by for a visit... No kids or Tyler, just Tara... We haven't told her about us but what we did tell her, is that Kate is coming with me to the new movie i am shooting. I think Tara is a bit more positive to Kate being here seeing how good she is doing... Kate has more life in her... She still has moments that she is sad which is understandable... But overall, she seems to slowly turn into herself again... The sad moments get less and less, and she smiles more overall. 

My mom has been by to... Mom immediately knew, and it was hard to convince her to keep it to herself... She was jumping around like a little kid on Christmas morning excited to open her presents... But eventually she calmed down... She couldn't stop smiling though... I was happy she was happy but i just hoped she would keep her word and keep it to herself.  Kate was not ready and i wanted that to be respected. Kate was setting the boundaries and i was going to make sure they were upheld... Besides i was in no rush knowing what would happen if it got out i was in a relationship... She was not ready for that and when i explained that to ma she understood... Right now, she did not need that circus in her life... I did get a warning from ma though... I better not fuck up again or she would disown me. 

The last two weeks we had grown so much closer... Kate is clingy and needy and God i love it. I did not know i had missed that so much... She has always been that way and with every other woman i hated it... But with her... I could not get enough... She is not needy or clingy in an annoying way. We still do our own things, but we are always touching in some way... She wants to hug all day every day, or at least have some sort of connection in any way... Whether it is by just having her legs in my lap or holding my hand... The other day while i was on the phone in my office, going over some things with my team she sat in my lap. Just sat in my lap her face nuzzled in my neck. Just relaxing... To some people it might sound suffocating, but it was just nice... I am not complaining. I love it. But i am a little worried how it will be while i am working. Now i am here to distract her when she is sad or a little down. She will have Dodger to keep her occupied, but she will have a lot of time to think... All alone. I will have less time for her and can't cuddle with her all day... Or maybe i am the one who is going to have trouble with it... Maybe i will be the one who is going to miss clingy Kate... God i love it... If i could, i would glue her to me... 

We are leaving in 3 days... So today i am going to go shopping with Kate... Well online shopping as i dont think she wants to go out. But if she wants to go out, we will... I want to go shopping with her because she barely has clothes of her own and although i like her walking around in mine, i think she need some stuff for Arizona. It is going to be hot over there and she just is going to need some clothes for that... It can all be delivered over there so we dont have to take everything with us and travel light. She is going to need more clothes as i because i will not be in my own clothes much during filming. 

The schedule is a busy one and we will be there for 6 weeks before going to LA to film some stuff in a studio. We will stay in LA for 3 weeks if everything goes according to schedule. We will be staying at my house in LA. I am nervous for that... Not because of the house but in LA it is a different world. I am excited for her to see my place there... I think she is going to like it... A pool, sauna and jacuzzi which she can use... My house in LA is a bit more extravagant... I think she is going to love the bathtub there... 

Still i am scared what will happen if she decides she wants to leave the house there... But we will see when we get to it... "What is wrong...?" I hear Kate murmur a kiss being planted on my back snapping me out of my thoughts. "Nothing is wrong, sweetheart. I am just going over everything for Arizona in my head..." I say and turn around in her arms giving her a little kiss... "Are you excited?" She asks and i smile putting some hair behind her ear. I am excited but also going to miss our little bubble. It is going to be a fun project. I will be working with Sebastian again and i wonder if Kate would be up for meeting him. Seb is a sweetheart and i think they will get along great. But again... Only if she is up for it... If she wants i will put a restriction on her trailer on set so that no one will bother her... We will see how it all goes. Physically she had healed... Mentally she was not quite there yet. 

"A little... But first we have to do something else..." I say smiling and Kate looks at me confused. "What?" She asks and i smile... "We need to get you some clothes of your own..." I say smirking and she blushes... "I dont want to go back there..." She says and i can see the tears spring in her eyes... "Oh no sweetheart... You dont have to... I have set up my laptop and we are going to do some shopping..." I say and she blushes even more... "Okay..." She says and i smile as she seems relieved. Dodger comes strutting in and she lets me go and gets down to his level and gives him attention which he absolutely loves... God, he adores her, and it is the most beautiful thing to see. 

I plate us some breakfast and while we eat, we do some shopping... I can't stop smiling as we bicker on what would look good on her... All in good fun. She asks my opinion about stuff and before we know it, we are a few hours later and she has a few tabs with carts open on different websites. Then starts the bickering about the bill but i will not hear of it and just pay for it all... 

In the afternoon she helps me go over my lines for the movie... I love it... She loves to help me learn my lines... I think she likes the escape from reality, and she would be a great actress but when i told her that she just shook her head. She said she had no desire to be an actress and i just chuckled. 

The last few days before we leave are spend just relaxing and getting ready to travel. Normally i would have a dinner with my family before leaving but this time i just called them all... They all understand and i promise them all a family dinner when we get back. If Kate is not ready for that by then i will go to ma's for that... My family has been great with the whole situation though... As close knit as we are they are giving me space... They are giving Kate space. It is a big change as we normally see each other a lot when i am home. I will forever be grateful to them for not making a fuss about it. 

Our last day home is just spend on the couch cuddling and relaxing. We are leaving really early, and our bags are packed, and everything is good to go... Kate even packed a little bag for Dodger. It was so cute to see her pack his toys with him watching on. She would hold up a toy asking him if he wanted to bring it... Kate seems excited for a change of scenery and that makes me happy. Maybe it will really do some good and it is just what she needs... I just hope everything goes well... One thing is for sure, i am really happy she is coming along. 

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