Chapter 67

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Chris pov...

"Chriiiiis..." I hear and look up smirking... Kate is using her, i want something tone... She is walking over to me pouting and batting her eyes and i chuckle... "Kaaaate...." I say matching her tone and smirking... "I am bored..." She says and she pushes me back on the couch taking my book out of my hand and throwing it aside before she straddles me... "Oh nooooo..." I say and let out a chuckle... "Let's do something fun..." She says giving me puppy eyes. She takes my face in her hands and kisses me... 

"What did you have in mind, sweetheart..." I say after we have come up for air... "Let's do some baby shopping..." She says and i smile... "Okay..." I say and she kisses me again... "And maybe get something to eat..." She whispers and i chuckle... 

It has been 2 weeks since we have told everyone that matters about the baby. So much had changed. Kate was now 17 weeks pregnant. She was starting to show. She had the most amazing bump... She looks so beautiful. She really has this glow... She also wants to eat all the time... Yesterday we had dinner only for her to make herself a snack 20 minutes later... It was beautiful to see... She was all giddy while she made the most disgusting thing ever... Chicken nuggets with chocolate frosting... She did this little happy dance while she ate them while i only could think about how disgusting it looked. She loved it tho and that made me smile... But i drew a hard line at trying it myself. She was doubling over laughing as i refused to try it... She had chased me around the kitchen island with a nugget dipped in chocolate frosting... It was good to see her so happy and carefree. Especially because she had been so down because of Tara's reaction to our news... 

She doesn't know it, but after she had fallen asleep in my arms from crying. I had texted Tara asking her why on earth she would react like this... That Kate was devastated by her reaction... I had gotten no response... We hadn't heard from her since then. I am sad... But above all angry... She means so much to Kate. To us... I just hope she will come around... Kate had texted her with updates but no reaction and that made her so sad. After a week, Kate had given up... It was up to Tara to reach out now...

Kate gets up and i smile as she pulled me up. "Can we go look at cribs and stuff? I think i am ready..." She says and i smile. "Of course, sweetheart." I say and her face lights up. It is a big deal for her to go look at this stuff. I am happy she wants to. I wanted to earlier. She had asked to wait a little longer. She was still a little unsure, scared of having a full nursery and then have something go wrong. Everything was good tho, the baby was healthy and happy... She was healthy and happy... Everything was great. 

About 30 minutes later we are in the car and driving to one of the big baby stores. I am excited to go nursery shopping. I want Kate to have the nursery she dreams off... No matter what... What she wants, she gets... I already did some research about some stuff while Kate had her naps... I knew which car seat i want. I already know what the safest crib would be. I watch videos about swaddling. I just wanted everything to be as safe as possible. 

"Chris?"  Kate says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I say and she smiles... "Do you think it will be a boy or girl?" Kate asks me as i come to a stop for some traffic lights. "Oh gosh... Sweetheart... I really have no idea... But it does not matter..." I say and we smile at each other. "So, i dont have to worry about a toxic masculine outburst when it is a girl?" She asks and i look confused. "You know... Like those videos where men find out it is a girl, and they flip..." She explains and i chuckle and shake my head... "No, sweetheart... You dont have to worry about that... I would be over the moon either way... I dont care if our Muppet is a boy or girl... Preferably healthy but even if not, i will love our Muppet to the moon and back..." I say and take her hand and kiss the back of it... "Those men are idiots..." I say and she blushes but with a big smile on her face... 

The light turns green, and we continue our way... "What do you think the gender will be?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders. "No clue..." She whispers and i smile as she is rubbing her little bump... "I am smaller now then i was with Simon..." She sighs and i take her hand again and kiss it... "Dont worry about it, sweetheart. The doctor said you and Muppet were in perfect health... We had him double check over and over... Your body is just reacting differently to this time..." I say and she nods... "I know..." She sighs and it pains me to see her so worried... 

"Where do you want to eat?" I ask to try and distract her... "Can we go to that Italian place we always used to go..." She says with the biggest smile and i chuckle... It used to be a regular date night place for us... But to be honest after we broke up i have never been there again... To many memories... But now... Now i can go back... I got her back...  "Of course..." I say and kiss her hand again and she does a little happy dance in her seat... 

We arrive at the store and i tell Kate to wait. I walk around the car and open the door for her and help her out. She smiles and rewards me with a little kiss... "One thing..." She says and i look at her a little hesitant... "Dont go agreeing with me on everything just because you want me to be happy..." She says and i blush... "I know you Evans... Even if you hate something you will go along if i like it... Your opinion matters to..." She says and kisses me again... "Okay..." I say a little unsure... "Okay let's go!" She says all excited and grabs my hand...

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