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"Do you see just what you have done Yandisokuhle! How could you have been so damn foolish! Yeses! I can't even look at you! Get out of my sight before I kill you with my bare hands!" The teary eyed girl ran upstairs to her room, tripping over her own two feet. Her father, who was burning with unleashed anger stormed down to the wine cellar and grabbed the strongest bourbon he had. He didn't see the need to grab a glass and resorted to gulping the liquid straight from the bottle. Ntsika followed behind his father to ensure the man didn't do anything he would later regret. he had already said too much and he is not a man of many words, but rather, a man of many actions. 


"Leave Ntsika. I don't want or need company. I need to think clearly." Ntsika dared to step into the cellar. "You will not do that if you consume more of that. Hand me the bottle Baba." He shot his hand out to his father who chuckled but it was humorless. "When you grew up I suppose your balls grew to drop down and now you think you re the man of this house ye." Ntsika just shook his head and remained silent. "Talk back to me. It's what you children seem to be doing nowadays." 

"Baba that is not my intention. I'm simply looking out for you. I just want you to be okay-" The older Mthethwa threw the alcohol filled bottle across the room and it shattered into pieces when it made contact with the white pristine wall. "How am I supposed to be okay when my daughter, MY ONLY DAUGHTER is pregnant! She is still a child and she is unmarried. I don't even want to get into it! Fuck!" 

Ntsikayomuzi remained in the room with his father who gulped down the golden brown liquor like it was water. In his mind and heart, he prayed to never experience the pain he witnessed his father experience. He knew that it wasn't easy for such a strong man to be faced with such. After fathering 3 sons, he had little hopes of ever having a daughter and when she was born, he promised her heaven and earth. 

He never would have thought that his daughter would be the reason he experiences hell on earth. Ntsika didn't know how to comfort his father. He was shocked because for as long as he had known the man, he had never seen him so distraught. "Go sleep Ntsikayomuzi." Many an hour had passed when Mhlengiwezwe stood from the floor and staggered out of the cellar and up the stairs. "Will you be alright?" He waved his hand lazily. Knowing his wife, she wouldn't allow him in bed because of how drunk he was. 

Even in his drunken state, he made sure that all the doors were locked and the security systems were up and running. Before he got to his room, he passed by his daughter's room where the light was on. He wanted to go in and comfort his child but he himself needed comforting and some part of him knew that going in that room would cause more damage than good.  He staggered down the hallway to his and his wife' room. Settling on the couch, he was quick to fall asleep. 

The bright light entering the room woke him up. He winced at the harsh light,. "Mmmmm. That's what you get for drinking like a fish!" MaZulu came to stand in front of her husband and handed him a coffee mug. He wordlessly drank the contents inside the mug before pulling her by her hips so that he could place his head on her stomach. The shorter woman wrapped her arms around her muscular husband's shoulders. 

This was the first time that Nandipha and Mhlengiwezwe felt stuck. Both in their relationship and in how to deal with family matters. "What do we do Sthandwa sami?" 

"I have no idea Nhliziyo Yami." They remained in that position. "Let's go back to bed." The two lovers got back into their bed and continued to rest. It was around 4 pm when MaZulu left her room, as much as she would've liked to stay in bed, she has children who need their mother on a daily basis. The twins were asleep when they came back so she hadn't seen them since the previous night. 

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