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"Wow" I whispered.

He blinked a couple if times to adjust his eyes to the lighting in the hallway. I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful two coloured eyes. One a midnight black, so black you could barely see the iris; and another, a dark chocolate brown with little specs of gold around the iris. We stood there, staring into one another's eyes. He eventually put his glasses on.

He cleared his throat. "You have beautiful eyes" I broke the silence. "They are a curse" his jaw tensed and he clenched his fists. I slowly reached out and grabbed his fist. I unclenched it and put my hand in his. "No they are not"

He pulled his hand out of mine and turned away. I couldn't shout after him because he fell in the traffic of learners rushing to class. I turned the opposite direction and continued with my journey to my locker. I found Nelly, Ane and Unathi standing by my locker. "Hi girls" I waved awkwardly.

"Where were you?"
"Why did you miss break"
"Why did you miss accounting?"

Their questions following one another

"I'll answer you guys after school." I opened my locker and took my books out.

"Hmm mm" Nelly kept repeating while shaking her head. She grabbed my arm and my books flew out of my hands. "Code blue15" she said as she pulled me towards the bathroom. She pulled me to the furthest stalls and pushed me inside. "What" I asked as she finally let go of my arm. Two minutes later, Ane and Unathi entered looking like they are ready for war.

"She's done it now!" Nelly began, tapping her foot on the ground.

"What's she done?" Unathi asked

"Sniff her"

"What!" We shouted

"Sniff her." She pulled Ane onto me.

"Why do you smell like- no!" Ane said

"What" Unathi proceeded to sniff me. She let out a squeal of delight. "My ship is moving out the dock!" She started doing a dance

"Focus Unathi!" Nelly grabbed both her shoulders.

"Hey hey hey! Easy on the merch sis" Ane said pulling Unathi onto her chest.

"Why were you gallivanting with Ntando Majola!" Her Xhosa accent slipping out

"I wa-nu-no no no, I n- no I never-" I stuttered out.

"Such a bad liar" she shook her head

"We- we ju-just had lunch together. N-n-nothing b-b-bad th-er-e" I voiced out

"Pull out while you still can Okuhle. I'm begging you, please" she held my hands in hers. "He's a bad guy my friend. He  will hurt you and i don't want that" she said.

"How do you know that Nelly? How"

"How I know is not important. What's important is you heed my warning" she sounded so desperate.

"I'm going to be late to class. I gotta go" I stood from the toilet seat and walked out.

"Yandise-okuhle!" I turned "Please" I walked out of the bathroom and headed to Life sciences. I knocked on the door and entered. "Nice of you to join us Miss Mthethwa" Mr Yadeep said

"I apologize sir. I got held up"

"I'm sure, take a seat" I slowly walked to mine and Jason's s desk

"Hi" I greet him; sitting down. I take my books and pencil case out. " a-are you?" My throat felt dry.

"So you hanging out with the king of the Elite now?" He focused on his textbook.

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